
my dayy.

well my alarm fell off my dresser so i didnt hear it go off @ 9 when i was supposed 2 get up
so i got up around 10 when my phone started vibrating on the desk and idk who it was
then i got ready and had some breakfast and we headed to the mall
i found the shoes i wanted right away yesss
then we went in like 3830302734 other stores and didn't really find anything
so i went 2 AE and got some new jeans and thongs
and i finally found this really really cute red shirt

sidenote:[can u believe that out of all the clothes i have that i dont own ONE red shirt? yeahh weird]

anyway, when we got all the shopping done it was like 1 so we were really hungry
we were gonna go 2 bostons but there wasnt really anything intersting there so we went 2 applebees
and it was yummmmy
i got a sandwhich w/ bbq sauce, mayo, bacon, ham, tomatoes, turkey, and lettuce
it was amazing
i didnt eat my fries though
i dont like fries
and fry boy wasnt there for me to give them to haha

then i got home and i took a shower
eric called me like riggggght when i got out
i thought it was my mom so i answered it
but i was dripping wet & completely naked [lol] so he said he'd call me back
then he called me back & i talked 2 him 4 awhile
i talked 2 morgan online & we had a very interesting convo [as seen below]
umm then i talked 2 garrett online 4 awhile & called my dad
him and i talked 4 a looooooong time
it was really nice 2 talk 2 him about some things
then my mom came home and she said eric wasnt coming over
so i basically had an emotional break down and i was yelling/crying @ her
and i forced her 2 call him since she is the mean on not me
then i talked 2 him and was crying lol

umm after that we had dinner and talked about thanksgiving weekend
apparantly i have 2 stay home while evry1 else goes 2 a hotel since i have 2 work
that really sucks
[oh garrett, i might b in fond du lac]
then i came back online n talked 2 roger
he totally made my day, he is such a sweetheart
then i called matt golden and tyler and talked 2 them for like 3 hours
my omi intterrupeted that time cuz she wanted 2 kno what i want 4 christmas

then i had 2 go cuz it was 9 and mom said i needed 2 get offline and get a life
but did i do that, nooooooo
i took surveys with morgan 4 a really long time
then my boyyyfriend came on and made me take a pic of myself 2 show his cousin
eew i think its gross but w/e
we talked 4 like an hour and a half and then he had 2 go
hes sooo sweet <3> no plans after school

tuesday -> lukas's bball game @ 4
wednesday -> no plans after school
thursday -> tanning place / work @ 5
friday -> idk something w/ my dad 4 his bday
saturday -> the danceeeee
sunday -> dads birthdayy

as always, call me 4 plansssss


Anonymous said...

you need a comment

youre gonna be in fond du lac? thats to cool. come by sometime, u know where i am.

Anonymous said...

yeah, 4 thanksgiving
maybe i'll stop by
we can go shopping
thatd b sooo fun <3