Yerr Perfect Xx: hello
Auto response from ShYxXgIrLxX: talkin 2 my bf;; i love him
Yerr Perfect Xx: tell jamarr i said hello as well
ShYxXgIrLxX: ha ha....hes talking 2 Kyle
ShYxXgIrLxX: also
ShYxXgIrLxX: ha ha ha
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: where didju go?
ShYxXgIrLxX: i missed u so
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: shut tttup
ShYxXgIrLxX: i love you
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha i love ya 2
Yerr Perfect Xx: ok
Yerr Perfect Xx: random ?
ShYxXgIrLxX: kk
Yerr Perfect Xx: i need u 2 buy me a dark blue longsleeve bay port tshirt b4 friday
Yerr Perfect Xx: how do i get u the money?
ShYxXgIrLxX: psssssshhhhhhhhhhhh
ShYxXgIrLxX: idk
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: me neither....
ShYxXgIrLxX: ask sum 1 that goes 2 BP & has $$;; 2 buy u it & then i can pay them back
Yerr Perfect Xx: who do u want me 2 ask?
ShYxXgIrLxX: idk but im broke
Yerr Perfect Xx: hmmm
Yerr Perfect Xx: ask eric
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
Yerr Perfect Xx: or...
Yerr Perfect Xx: idk
ShYxXgIrLxX: ppppsssshhhhh
ShYxXgIrLxX: i dont wanna talk 2 eric but i have an idea
Yerr Perfect Xx: whats ur idea?
ShYxXgIrLxX: i ask G 2 do it 4 meeeeeee & then ill pay him back & then he can get it 4 "me" & then u pay me back & i give u the shirt & u give me the $$ & i give it 2 him
Yerr Perfect Xx: i already told him i needed one
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: damn
Yerr Perfect Xx: but it culd work
Yerr Perfect Xx: if u tell him that u wont tell me that it was his $
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: i'll just have eric do it then
ShYxXgIrLxX: DMStammer15: MORGAN
DMStammer15: CALL ME
iplayvball4life: im on the phone w/ my bf
DMStammer15: oh and hello how r u
DMStammer15: well hang uip
DMStammer15: up*
iplayvball4life: nooo
DMStammer15: y?
DMStammer15: tell him u wanna go talk to a boy
DMStammer15: haha
iplayvball4life: UR A DORK
ShYxXgIrLxX: wutta loser
Yerr Perfect Xx: wtf haha
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: DMStammer15: how long u talkin to mr iluv morgan
DMStammer15: ?
iplayvball4life: lol idk
Yerr Perfect Xx: LOL
Yerr Perfect Xx: his name is J-MIZZZZZZLE
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol no its mr iluvmorgan lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: o dearr
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: iplayvball4life: lol idk
iplayvball4life: he says hi 2 u
iplayvball4life: lol
DMStammer15: whose haus u @
iplayvball4life: moms
DMStammer15: k
DMStammer15: ill call u in a bit
iplayvball4life: ok
DMStammer15: haha
DMStammer15: i g2g
DMStammer15: ttyl
DMStammer15: call me when ur done talkin w/ mr him
iplayvball4life: lol ok
DMStammer15: 321-8014
iplayvball4life: ook
DMStammer15: cel
DMStammer15: k
DMStammer15: ttyl
Yerr Perfect Xx: omg haha
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx is away at 8:59:19 PM.
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
<33 BRB
ShYxXgIrLxX: thats a good one
Yerr Perfect Xx returned at 9:00:34 PM.
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: WHAT?
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: OMFG ME TOO
ShYxXgIrLxX: im stashing TP in my room lol so no one can use it
Yerr Perfect Xx: LMFAOOOOO
Yerr Perfect Xx: we culd use USED toilet paper
Yerr Perfect Xx: hahaha jk jk
ShYxXgIrLxX: yaaaaaaaa riiiiight erika
ShYxXgIrLxX: i ammmm sooooooo physced
Yerr Perfect Xx: me toooooooo im suped psyched!
ShYxXgIrLxX: he he he. hes getting mad @ me 4 typing LMAO
Yerr Perfect Xx: LOL
Yerr Perfect Xx: omg random but the pic of u from my fone yesterday is sooooooo pretty
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol.....
ShYxXgIrLxX: put it on my myspace
Yerr Perfect Xx: kk
ShYxXgIrLxX: omg that is cute
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok soooo a couple of jamarr's friends are obessed w/ me
ShYxXgIrLxX: greeeeeeeeat
Yerr Perfect Xx is away at 9:18:59 PM.
Yerr Perfect Xx returned at 9:20:28 PM.
Yerr Perfect Xx: alright
Yerr Perfect Xx: hi
Yerr Perfect Xx: no
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok soooo a couple of jamarr's friends are obessed w/ me
Yerr Perfect Xx: o thats lovely...
ShYxXgIrLxX: ya aint it great?
Yerr Perfect Xx: not quite
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: ur sucha obvious person.... lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol phew....its over
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: he hadda go
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: but i miss him ='[
Yerr Perfect Xx: awh
ShYxXgIrLxX: so have u talked 2 ur lover lately?
Yerr Perfect Xx: i saw him
Yerr Perfect Xx: 2 hours ago
Yerr Perfect Xx: but other than that no
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol cool
ShYxXgIrLxX: didju getta hug from him?
ShYxXgIrLxX: ????
Yerr Perfect Xx: no....
Yerr Perfect Xx: :[
ShYxXgIrLxX: aww poor baby
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: i kno ha
Yerr Perfect Xx: he did put his arm around me tho
ShYxXgIrLxX: AAWW lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: and we sat and talked
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
Yerr Perfect Xx: in downstairs red pod
Yerr Perfect Xx: how ironic
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
ShYxXgIrLxX: aaww lucky bitch
ShYxXgIrLxX: ha ha downstairs red
Yerr Perfect Xx: I KNOW
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
ShYxXgIrLxX: well i heard sum news...every monday, tuesday 7 thurs morning G is riding the bus............................
Yerr Perfect Xx: insteresting...
Yerr Perfect Xx: interesting*
ShYxXgIrLxX: &***
ShYxXgIrLxX: ya um....i think the word is akward
ShYxXgIrLxX: only cuz its the bus setting where everyone gossips....& the late major gossip....dun dun dun......taka guess
Yerr Perfect Xx: us?
ShYxXgIrLxX: yaaaaaaaaaa
Yerr Perfect Xx: omg
Yerr Perfect Xx: give me something dirty 4 john 2 do if he loses madden against me
ShYxXgIrLxX: last time he rode which was the last time i rode EVERYONE was asking & talking about u guys.......cuz that was wen u were still 2gether & then 2day i got on the bus & they are still talking about u guys...he didnt ride but then im like ok NEWS FLASH....they rnt 2gether nemore...sooooooooooooooooo that its new 2 them....they wont stop talking about it...specially alyssa....
ShYxXgIrLxX: IDK...i thought u hated him
Yerr Perfect Xx: hmm its gettin better
ShYxXgIrLxX: o ok
Yerr Perfect Xx is away at 9:37:47 PM.
Yerr Perfect Xx returned at 9:37:49 PM.
Yerr Perfect Xx is away at 9:38:12 PM.
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok...tell me if this bothers u that im talking about him but....i thought it was sooooo weird 2day wen G came up 2 me & sed right 2 my face, "Morgan i needa hug" i dont think hes ever sed that 2 me b4.....
ShYxXgIrLxX: aahh i got my internet fixed & now my puter is going crazy lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: didju get wut i sed while u were away?
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes
ShYxXgIrLxX: o ok
ShYxXgIrLxX: it didnt bother u that i told u that did it?
Yerr Perfect Xx: not really
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok
ShYxXgIrLxX: just maken sure
Yerr Perfect Xx: ya
ShYxXgIrLxX: didju read the comment i left him?
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok
ShYxXgIrLxX: u ok w/ me being friends w/ him?
Yerr Perfect Xx: ds
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol ok
ShYxXgIrLxX: so are you doing?
Yerr Perfect Xx: pretty good actually
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: ur posta ask how i am ;'[
Yerr Perfect Xx: how r u?
ShYxXgIrLxX: well u dont really wanna kno....ur just asken cuz i sed 2 *pout*
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes i wanna kno
ShYxXgIrLxX: no u dont! lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes maaam
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol well im ok...not the best but im dealing w/ it
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok sooooo how perfect is my plan?
ShYxXgIrLxX: we needa name 4 it so ppl dont find out
Yerr Perfect Xx: i LOVE ur plan
ShYxXgIrLxX: omg thats how i got 2 talking 2 him
Yerr Perfect Xx: um we can call it
ShYxXgIrLxX: wanna kno the story?
ShYxXgIrLxX: ...
ShYxXgIrLxX: ????
ShYxXgIrLxX: ...
ShYxXgIrLxX: ????
ShYxXgIrLxX: FINE dont answer
Yerr Perfect Xx: YES I DO
Yerr Perfect Xx: bitch
Yerr Perfect Xx: god
ShYxXgIrLxX: Jeeze freak out y dontcha!
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol neways
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol so ya
ShYxXgIrLxX: so wut shud we call it?
Yerr Perfect Xx: OIHERG:OIHERG
ShYxXgIrLxX: HF!
Yerr Perfect Xx: we can call it
ShYxXgIrLxX: coming have that tiny brain of urs think
ShYxXgIrLxX: come on**
ShYxXgIrLxX: u can tell me 2 shut up wenever u want
ShYxXgIrLxX: that is if u accually TALK 2 me
ShYxXgIrLxX: that would mean typing 2 me
ShYxXgIrLxX: that means accually communicating 2 me
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: im slow
Yerr Perfect Xx: srry
ShYxXgIrLxX: ya i kno!
ShYxXgIrLxX: i figured that out
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
ShYxXgIrLxX: like i sed..u can tell me 2 shut up wenever u feel like it
Yerr Perfect Xx: o ii will
ShYxXgIrLxX: OK...GOD lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: sorrrrrrry
ShYxXgIrLxX: OMFG fucking pick a fucking name 4 our fucking plan b4 i fucking SCREAM
Yerr Perfect Xx: um it can be called
ShYxXgIrLxX: im going 2 count 2 10
ShYxXgIrLxX: 1
ShYxXgIrLxX: 2
ShYxXgIrLxX: 3
ShYxXgIrLxX: 4
ShYxXgIrLxX: 5
ShYxXgIrLxX: 6
ShYxXgIrLxX: 7
ShYxXgIrLxX: 8
ShYxXgIrLxX: 10!!!!
Yerr Perfect Xx: SLAM DUNK
Yerr Perfect Xx: idk ha
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok....if thats wut u want
Yerr Perfect Xx: its not
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: we can cal it
ShYxXgIrLxX: lol wowwwww
Yerr Perfect Xx: powjgpojwgropjwrhgpojrhwjopewrh
ShYxXgIrLxX: ya cuz u try texting that 2 me 2marow
Yerr Perfect Xx: HA
ShYxXgIrLxX: would u like 2 try agen?
Yerr Perfect Xx is away at 9:59:49 PM.
ShYxXgIrLxX: gosh....getta life erika
Auto response from Yerr Perfect Xx: gosh go to bed mom !
ShYxXgIrLxX: stop stealing my lovers
ShYxXgIrLxX: lmao
Yerr Perfect Xx returned at 10:00:11 PM.
Yerr Perfect Xx: sry dear
Yerr Perfect Xx: u can have jamarr
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: YA ONLY JAMARR...the only Ohio boy that doesnt fucking shut up about his fucking friends being fucking obessed w/ me
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: obviously i think that he thinks it makes him cool that his friends want his gf
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
ShYxXgIrLxX: i mean it makes me cool that they r obessed w. me...NOT him
Yerr Perfect Xx: hahaaa
ShYxXgIrLxX: ok...heres the deal...i want more comments...soo im goina comment all ur pics. leave u a regular comment & send u a message & i better getta HUUUUUGE comment in return.
Yerr Perfect Xx: LMFAO ok
ShYxXgIrLxX: can ya tell im being very demanding & critizing 2day? lol
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes i can
ShYxXgIrLxX: good. get over it BITCH lmao
Yerr Perfect Xx: ;oihser;goihet
Yerr Perfect Xx is away at 10:05:44 PM.
ShYxXgIrLxX: ha ha ha....WELLL U SUCK
Auto response from Yerr Perfect Xx: ShYxXgIrLxX: good. get over it BITCH
what moral support she has.
Yerr Perfect Xx returned at 10:08:43 PM.
ShYxXgIrLxX: if ur goina complain about the way i talk 2 u...mayb u should find a new best friend & then...ill make ur life HELL lmao
Yerr Perfect Xx: fine i will
ShYxXgIrLxX: good luck
ShYxXgIrLxX: & after homecoming im goina SLAM DUNK ur house NOT G' goina drive MY car 2 YOUR house
Yerr Perfect Xx: HWIOEHGOIEHRGPOHERGUOPH(^(*@#(*$&(*@(%*&@#%
ShYxXgIrLxX: ooo wuts that bitch? u wanna go?
Yerr Perfect Xx: YEAH I DO
Yerr Perfect Xx: DAMN
ShYxXgIrLxX: alright where do u wanna go? i want ice cream. how about u?
Yerr Perfect Xx: sounds awesome
ShYxXgIrLxX: im sorry but i will never comment ur hooker picture it is inappropirate
Yerr Perfect Xx: ha
ShYxXgIrLxX: well about that ice cream...u want it down ur bra? cuz thats wut im goina do!
Yerr Perfect Xx: omg
Yerr Perfect Xx: u need sleep
ShYxXgIrLxX: like majorly....this convo is like just lack of sleep talking
Yerr Perfect Xx: lol
i hope he someday reads this...
Yerr Perfect Xx: hey hun
VelocityAddict09: hi
Yerr Perfect Xx: how u doin 2day?
VelocityAddict09: good i guess
Yerr Perfect Xx: really?
VelocityAddict09: i guess
Yerr Perfect Xx: well then, i guess, thats good
Yerr Perfect Xx: so uh whatd u do 2day?
VelocityAddict09: worked for my gma
Yerr Perfect Xx: did u hurt urself?
Yerr Perfect Xx: i hope not...
VelocityAddict09: no
Yerr Perfect Xx: thats good
Yerr Perfect Xx: well... whattya doin right now?
VelocityAddict09: listenin to ridin
Yerr Perfect Xx: ohh
Yerr Perfect Xx: is ur game @ bp 2maro?
VelocityAddict09: ya
VelocityAddict09: r u going?
Yerr Perfect Xx: of course
Yerr Perfect Xx: unless, you dont want me to
Yerr Perfect Xx: ?
VelocityAddict09: idk
VelocityAddict09: kinda, kinda not
Yerr Perfect Xx: well its up 2 u, i wont go if u dont want me 12
Yerr Perfect Xx: 2&
Yerr Perfect Xx: 2*
VelocityAddict09: do u really really want to?
Yerr Perfect Xx: it doesnt matter what i want...
VelocityAddict09: um
VelocityAddict09: no
Yerr Perfect Xx: no as in dont go?
VelocityAddict09: yea
Yerr Perfect Xx: well, if thats what you want, then i wont
VelocityAddict09: k
VelocityAddict09: thanx
Yerr Perfect Xx: just wondering though, y not?
VelocityAddict09: idk
Yerr Perfect Xx: well thats fine i guess
VelocityAddict09: good
Yerr Perfect Xx: so what about homecoming then?
VelocityAddict09: what about it?
Yerr Perfect Xx: still want me 2 go w/ u?
VelocityAddict09: do u want to go with?
Yerr Perfect Xx: i want what you want
VelocityAddict09: well i dont care either way
Yerr Perfect Xx: which do u prefer?
VelocityAddict09: i dont prefer anything
Yerr Perfect Xx: well i dont wanna if ur gonna feel all akward and stuff...
Yerr Perfect Xx: its ur homecoming, i dont wanna ruin it 4 u
VelocityAddict09: i'll think about it
Yerr Perfect Xx: okay
Yerr Perfect Xx: well uhm u let me know whenever u decide
VelocityAddict09: i will
Yerr Perfect Xx: i gotta kno by like wednesday though
VelocityAddict09: ok
Yerr Perfect Xx: you do know this is killing me right....?
Auto response from VelocityAddict09: bbl
VelocityAddict09: um, sry?
Yerr Perfect Xx: ugh y do u have 2 b like that?
VelocityAddict09: like what?
Yerr Perfect Xx: its not making it any easier on me and i know its not on you either
Yerr Perfect Xx: like the "i hate you leave me alone, move on" additude
Yerr Perfect Xx: attitude*
VelocityAddict09: thats not my attitude
Yerr Perfect Xx: its coming across as that
VelocityAddict09: sry
Yerr Perfect Xx: well.. what is you attitude?
Yerr Perfect Xx: your*
VelocityAddict09: im trying to not feel as vad as i usually do and im really tired
VelocityAddict09: so any attitude u get from me isnt true
VelocityAddict09: bad*
Yerr Perfect Xx: so do u wanna try 2 make this work, or do u want me 2 let go?
VelocityAddict09: i think i'd be best if u try to let it go
VelocityAddict09: cuz thats all i've been thinking about all day
Yerr Perfect Xx: whats all youve been thinking about all day?
VelocityAddict09: what we talked about last night
Yerr Perfect Xx: well what about it?
VelocityAddict09: i've been trying to learn to let go
VelocityAddict09: and its hard
Yerr Perfect Xx: so apparantly we dont feel the same way about eachother then
VelocityAddict09: i'll let u think that
Yerr Perfect Xx: well its true cuz im over here 1/2 dying and you're over there already moving on
VelocityAddict09: well trying
Yerr Perfect Xx: i just cant understand y u dont want 2 try 2 make this work...
Yerr Perfect Xx: but i guess i thought we were more than we actually are...
VelocityAddict09: i've been trying to make it work for a while
VelocityAddict09: i guess i just cant
Yerr Perfect Xx: well what is it that you want from me that im not giving you
VelocityAddict09: trust, freedom, space, privacy
VelocityAddict09: everything i need
Yerr Perfect Xx: so then y'd u stay with me this long...
VelocityAddict09: cuz i gave me that for a long time
VelocityAddict09: until like a month ago
VelocityAddict09: and then i tried to make it work
VelocityAddict09: and we started arguing
VelocityAddict09: and it didnt work
Yerr Perfect Xx: ur not giving it enough time
Yerr Perfect Xx: if i gave u all those things b4 i can do it again
VelocityAddict09: i asked for it
Yerr Perfect Xx: listen,
VelocityAddict09: and nothing really happend
Yerr Perfect Xx: its really really really really really hard 4 me what we arent at the same school and i sit at school all day worring about other girls checking you out or sneaking behind my back and its just taking me awhile 2 get used 2
Yerr Perfect Xx: but i know that you know that i can give you the world
Yerr Perfect Xx: we're just not on the same page and we need to work thru things
VelocityAddict09: i've been feeling like this for a while and i really dont like that ur trying to convince me otherwise
Yerr Perfect Xx: well im sorry but i love you with every ounce of my being and im willing to do anything and everything to make this work
VelocityAddict09: well i love you too but the bad things greatly out weigh the good and i dont think thats a good thing
Yerr Perfect Xx: well i understand that and i agree with you but if we talk this thru i can loosen up a bit and let you have your space and the other things u need
VelocityAddict09: i know u
Yerr Perfect Xx: it will help when fball is over too cuz we can spend a lot more time together
VelocityAddict09: u cant loosen up
VelocityAddict09: u cant go without talkin to me for a week
VelocityAddict09: i can
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes i can i prefer not to
VelocityAddict09: u cant let me go to a party that ur not at
VelocityAddict09: u need to have it if u want it
Yerr Perfect Xx: no
Yerr Perfect Xx: thats not true
VelocityAddict09: u get more and give less
Yerr Perfect Xx: i can let u go 2 a party im not at
Yerr Perfect Xx: i just want to know about it
Yerr Perfect Xx: and id rather not find out from other sources
VelocityAddict09: and i dont like being acussed of lieing when i didnt lie
Yerr Perfect Xx: okay, im sorry
Yerr Perfect Xx: if i accused you of lying and you truly didnt lie
Yerr Perfect Xx: im sorry
Yerr Perfect Xx: im really really sorry
Yerr Perfect Xx: the whole thing was just really upsetting to me and i had a lot of emotions coming out all at once
VelocityAddict09: well i dont think its gonna work out
VelocityAddict09: sry
VelocityAddict09: i dont think i'll b comfortable at homecoming either
VelocityAddict09: so u can go with cassie and sparrow i guess
VelocityAddict09: um
VelocityAddict09: u can say something when u process that
Yerr Perfect Xx: well im really sorry for whatever it is ive done to you
Yerr Perfect Xx: and im not going with cassie and sparrow but thanks for the offer
Yerr Perfect Xx: u can call me if u want 2 talk
Yerr Perfect Xx: and i really do hope you do re-read some of the things u said cuz u r being a complete jerk
VelocityAddict09: hi
Yerr Perfect Xx: how u doin 2day?
VelocityAddict09: good i guess
Yerr Perfect Xx: really?
VelocityAddict09: i guess
Yerr Perfect Xx: well then, i guess, thats good
Yerr Perfect Xx: so uh whatd u do 2day?
VelocityAddict09: worked for my gma
Yerr Perfect Xx: did u hurt urself?
Yerr Perfect Xx: i hope not...
VelocityAddict09: no
Yerr Perfect Xx: thats good
Yerr Perfect Xx: well... whattya doin right now?
VelocityAddict09: listenin to ridin
Yerr Perfect Xx: ohh
Yerr Perfect Xx: is ur game @ bp 2maro?
VelocityAddict09: ya
VelocityAddict09: r u going?
Yerr Perfect Xx: of course
Yerr Perfect Xx: unless, you dont want me to
Yerr Perfect Xx: ?
VelocityAddict09: idk
VelocityAddict09: kinda, kinda not
Yerr Perfect Xx: well its up 2 u, i wont go if u dont want me 12
Yerr Perfect Xx: 2&
Yerr Perfect Xx: 2*
VelocityAddict09: do u really really want to?
Yerr Perfect Xx: it doesnt matter what i want...
VelocityAddict09: um
VelocityAddict09: no
Yerr Perfect Xx: no as in dont go?
VelocityAddict09: yea
Yerr Perfect Xx: well, if thats what you want, then i wont
VelocityAddict09: k
VelocityAddict09: thanx
Yerr Perfect Xx: just wondering though, y not?
VelocityAddict09: idk
Yerr Perfect Xx: well thats fine i guess
VelocityAddict09: good
Yerr Perfect Xx: so what about homecoming then?
VelocityAddict09: what about it?
Yerr Perfect Xx: still want me 2 go w/ u?
VelocityAddict09: do u want to go with?
Yerr Perfect Xx: i want what you want
VelocityAddict09: well i dont care either way
Yerr Perfect Xx: which do u prefer?
VelocityAddict09: i dont prefer anything
Yerr Perfect Xx: well i dont wanna if ur gonna feel all akward and stuff...
Yerr Perfect Xx: its ur homecoming, i dont wanna ruin it 4 u
VelocityAddict09: i'll think about it
Yerr Perfect Xx: okay
Yerr Perfect Xx: well uhm u let me know whenever u decide
VelocityAddict09: i will
Yerr Perfect Xx: i gotta kno by like wednesday though
VelocityAddict09: ok
Yerr Perfect Xx: you do know this is killing me right....?
Auto response from VelocityAddict09: bbl
VelocityAddict09: um, sry?
Yerr Perfect Xx: ugh y do u have 2 b like that?
VelocityAddict09: like what?
Yerr Perfect Xx: its not making it any easier on me and i know its not on you either
Yerr Perfect Xx: like the "i hate you leave me alone, move on" additude
Yerr Perfect Xx: attitude*
VelocityAddict09: thats not my attitude
Yerr Perfect Xx: its coming across as that
VelocityAddict09: sry
Yerr Perfect Xx: well.. what is you attitude?
Yerr Perfect Xx: your*
VelocityAddict09: im trying to not feel as vad as i usually do and im really tired
VelocityAddict09: so any attitude u get from me isnt true
VelocityAddict09: bad*
Yerr Perfect Xx: so do u wanna try 2 make this work, or do u want me 2 let go?
VelocityAddict09: i think i'd be best if u try to let it go
VelocityAddict09: cuz thats all i've been thinking about all day
Yerr Perfect Xx: whats all youve been thinking about all day?
VelocityAddict09: what we talked about last night
Yerr Perfect Xx: well what about it?
VelocityAddict09: i've been trying to learn to let go
VelocityAddict09: and its hard
Yerr Perfect Xx: so apparantly we dont feel the same way about eachother then
VelocityAddict09: i'll let u think that
Yerr Perfect Xx: well its true cuz im over here 1/2 dying and you're over there already moving on
VelocityAddict09: well trying
Yerr Perfect Xx: i just cant understand y u dont want 2 try 2 make this work...
Yerr Perfect Xx: but i guess i thought we were more than we actually are...
VelocityAddict09: i've been trying to make it work for a while
VelocityAddict09: i guess i just cant
Yerr Perfect Xx: well what is it that you want from me that im not giving you
VelocityAddict09: trust, freedom, space, privacy
VelocityAddict09: everything i need
Yerr Perfect Xx: so then y'd u stay with me this long...
VelocityAddict09: cuz i gave me that for a long time
VelocityAddict09: until like a month ago
VelocityAddict09: and then i tried to make it work
VelocityAddict09: and we started arguing
VelocityAddict09: and it didnt work
Yerr Perfect Xx: ur not giving it enough time
Yerr Perfect Xx: if i gave u all those things b4 i can do it again
VelocityAddict09: i asked for it
Yerr Perfect Xx: listen,
VelocityAddict09: and nothing really happend
Yerr Perfect Xx: its really really really really really hard 4 me what we arent at the same school and i sit at school all day worring about other girls checking you out or sneaking behind my back and its just taking me awhile 2 get used 2
Yerr Perfect Xx: but i know that you know that i can give you the world
Yerr Perfect Xx: we're just not on the same page and we need to work thru things
VelocityAddict09: i've been feeling like this for a while and i really dont like that ur trying to convince me otherwise
Yerr Perfect Xx: well im sorry but i love you with every ounce of my being and im willing to do anything and everything to make this work
VelocityAddict09: well i love you too but the bad things greatly out weigh the good and i dont think thats a good thing
Yerr Perfect Xx: well i understand that and i agree with you but if we talk this thru i can loosen up a bit and let you have your space and the other things u need
VelocityAddict09: i know u
Yerr Perfect Xx: it will help when fball is over too cuz we can spend a lot more time together
VelocityAddict09: u cant loosen up
VelocityAddict09: u cant go without talkin to me for a week
VelocityAddict09: i can
Yerr Perfect Xx: yes i can i prefer not to
VelocityAddict09: u cant let me go to a party that ur not at
VelocityAddict09: u need to have it if u want it
Yerr Perfect Xx: no
Yerr Perfect Xx: thats not true
VelocityAddict09: u get more and give less
Yerr Perfect Xx: i can let u go 2 a party im not at
Yerr Perfect Xx: i just want to know about it
Yerr Perfect Xx: and id rather not find out from other sources
VelocityAddict09: and i dont like being acussed of lieing when i didnt lie
Yerr Perfect Xx: okay, im sorry
Yerr Perfect Xx: if i accused you of lying and you truly didnt lie
Yerr Perfect Xx: im sorry
Yerr Perfect Xx: im really really sorry
Yerr Perfect Xx: the whole thing was just really upsetting to me and i had a lot of emotions coming out all at once
VelocityAddict09: well i dont think its gonna work out
VelocityAddict09: sry
VelocityAddict09: i dont think i'll b comfortable at homecoming either
VelocityAddict09: so u can go with cassie and sparrow i guess
VelocityAddict09: um
VelocityAddict09: u can say something when u process that
Yerr Perfect Xx: well im really sorry for whatever it is ive done to you
Yerr Perfect Xx: and im not going with cassie and sparrow but thanks for the offer
Yerr Perfect Xx: u can call me if u want 2 talk
Yerr Perfect Xx: and i really do hope you do re-read some of the things u said cuz u r being a complete jerk
garrett put me on hold
so i guess i will write in here...
sunday night i had to work during the packer game. it was dead all during the game because the packers suck, but as soon as the game got done everyone started piling into townline, so i didnt get to leave until around 9 when i almost got to leave at 7. argh. i talked to garrett and i was really pissed off about the whole weekend but i guess we got it resolved after a long talk. thank god. i did my homework, took a shower, and went to bed.
yesterday was pretty good, best day so far. only cuz of morgan. the day at school was pretty shitty except for lunch of course which is always an adventure with 20 freshman boys at your table. bwahaha. it was embarassing when i fell flat on my face though, but that is a different story. it was also embarrasing when for brazeaus test i needed 2 sharpen my pencil and he didnt have a sharpener so i asked the sub if i culd go across the hall and shapen it so she said i could and i went over there and had no clue who the teacher was but he said i could use his sharpener and it was a brand new pencil so it took a long time to sharpen, it was loud too since it was an electric sharpener. he was trying to teach the class at the same time, and everyone started laughing. ah. after school i went home and quick changed for the bay port game. we had to leave right away because lukas needed to be at st johns for the girls volleyball game. then i got to bay port and it was still pouring rain so morgan and i went over to the stands and this guy offered us an umbrella and we thought we'd b cool and say we didnt need one, but later regretted it. my mom made me bring these plastic sheets for us to cover ourselves with, but instead we sat on them. they worked pretty well. my mascara was definitely all over my face and i then got it all over garretts sweatshirt. by half time bay port was getting their asses handed to them. morgan and i went over to the hot chocolate stand just to get out of the rain and get warmed up and we were complaining about how cold it was and how we wished we had money. then some random seymore guy turns to us, hands us fifty cents, and tells us to share one. how nice is that? i thought it was awesome. by the time the 3rd quarter was over i was totally sure that i had hypothermia. hah. seriously i couldnt feel anything in my body. then just to get my muscles moving i got up and started jumping up and down and yelling in the stands. it did help a little much but not a lot. they ended up winnning. yay bay port. undefeated babyyy. thank god they didnt spend too much time "praying" haha. so then i went inside and took garretts sopping wet sweatshirt off and waited for him to get dressed. yes i was aware that mascara was all over my wet ugly face, my hair was wet curly and all over the place, and i was so wet and fat looking that it was disgusting. but i didnt care i was there for my boyfriend and i doubt he cared either. i hadnt seen him for over a week so i hugged him for like 10 minutes. haha. it was so nice. then morgan and i had 2 go 2 the gas station 2 get hotchocaccinos but mom didnt have money so then we brought morgan home and mom needed to go 2 DQ cuz he throat hurt. we got to the drive thru and there were like 900 million people in line so she gave me some money and i ran out in the pouring rain in2 the gas station and got a hotchoccacino and ran all the way back to the van. hah. the people in the drive thru thought i was crazy but ahh well. i had my hotchoccacino and i went home. i got undresssed and went online and talked to garrett, when he had to go i was in a chatroom with morgan and my freshman. ahha fun.
ok hes done now... writin more later... byeeee loves
sunday night i had to work during the packer game. it was dead all during the game because the packers suck, but as soon as the game got done everyone started piling into townline, so i didnt get to leave until around 9 when i almost got to leave at 7. argh. i talked to garrett and i was really pissed off about the whole weekend but i guess we got it resolved after a long talk. thank god. i did my homework, took a shower, and went to bed.
yesterday was pretty good, best day so far. only cuz of morgan. the day at school was pretty shitty except for lunch of course which is always an adventure with 20 freshman boys at your table. bwahaha. it was embarassing when i fell flat on my face though, but that is a different story. it was also embarrasing when for brazeaus test i needed 2 sharpen my pencil and he didnt have a sharpener so i asked the sub if i culd go across the hall and shapen it so she said i could and i went over there and had no clue who the teacher was but he said i could use his sharpener and it was a brand new pencil so it took a long time to sharpen, it was loud too since it was an electric sharpener. he was trying to teach the class at the same time, and everyone started laughing. ah. after school i went home and quick changed for the bay port game. we had to leave right away because lukas needed to be at st johns for the girls volleyball game. then i got to bay port and it was still pouring rain so morgan and i went over to the stands and this guy offered us an umbrella and we thought we'd b cool and say we didnt need one, but later regretted it. my mom made me bring these plastic sheets for us to cover ourselves with, but instead we sat on them. they worked pretty well. my mascara was definitely all over my face and i then got it all over garretts sweatshirt. by half time bay port was getting their asses handed to them. morgan and i went over to the hot chocolate stand just to get out of the rain and get warmed up and we were complaining about how cold it was and how we wished we had money. then some random seymore guy turns to us, hands us fifty cents, and tells us to share one. how nice is that? i thought it was awesome. by the time the 3rd quarter was over i was totally sure that i had hypothermia. hah. seriously i couldnt feel anything in my body. then just to get my muscles moving i got up and started jumping up and down and yelling in the stands. it did help a little much but not a lot. they ended up winnning. yay bay port. undefeated babyyy. thank god they didnt spend too much time "praying" haha. so then i went inside and took garretts sopping wet sweatshirt off and waited for him to get dressed. yes i was aware that mascara was all over my wet ugly face, my hair was wet curly and all over the place, and i was so wet and fat looking that it was disgusting. but i didnt care i was there for my boyfriend and i doubt he cared either. i hadnt seen him for over a week so i hugged him for like 10 minutes. haha. it was so nice. then morgan and i had 2 go 2 the gas station 2 get hotchocaccinos but mom didnt have money so then we brought morgan home and mom needed to go 2 DQ cuz he throat hurt. we got to the drive thru and there were like 900 million people in line so she gave me some money and i ran out in the pouring rain in2 the gas station and got a hotchoccacino and ran all the way back to the van. hah. the people in the drive thru thought i was crazy but ahh well. i had my hotchoccacino and i went home. i got undresssed and went online and talked to garrett, when he had to go i was in a chatroom with morgan and my freshman. ahha fun.
ok hes done now... writin more later... byeeee loves
its about time...
for an update!
first week of school went awesome, i think i'm actually going to like this year a lot more than last year. well so far anyway. i think i've finally gotten over the fact that i will never be going to bay port [even though i want to so bad]. and i've actually made a lot of friends so far this year, it's like i'm putting myself out there more and not being so reclusive inside my [omg i hate it here] attitude. my comp lit class is definitely my favorite of all of my classes, although i do enjoy all of them. it's my favorite though because there are these 3 freshy boys that are absolutely awesome in it [gavin, mac, jacob]. the whole first week we sat in the back row by ourselves and just laughed and made fun of people and screwed off the whole class. but mrs pease got pissed off apparantly and made us a seating chart, so now gavin is in one corner, jacob is in the other, and mac and i are next to eachother in the middle. we still text eachother and make fun of people the whole time. lunch is okay i guess, i didn't like it at first because i was sitting with these girls that i really don't like, but now most of the lunch i wander around and talk to the freshman. the only time that i'm really at my table is when i eat my food.
labor day weekend was a blast. friday i went over to garrett's [it was our 8 months] and he gave me some gorgeous flowers and asked me to homecoming. then he gave me a CD with all of these love songs on it. he is so sweet. then we went to the bay port / depere game. that was really bad. bay port sucks this year. the game was fun though. we stood by emily johnson and she is awesome. morgan was there, of course. and garrett was with brandon so i basically talked to eric the whole time which really pissed garrett off but he needs to get over the fact that i dont want to be with eric, i was the one that broke up with eric for him, and eric and i are just friends now. i also got my cell phone stolen which is absolutely awful, i started balling and i had no clue what to do. we called it and walked around for a long time but couldnt find it. then i just gave up and mom came and got me. morgan and i went home and switched into our pajamas and we went downstairs and pulled the couches together and listend to the CD that garrett made me. it was so sweet. then morgan and i looked thru eachother year book and we went thru all the hott guys and talked until 1:30am when mom yelled at us to go to bed. haha. oops. well ya then we went to bed and ang woke us up @ 6. we got dressed and cleaned up the basement and packed the van, we were out of the house and on our way by 8. we drove for a long time and listened 2 ipods / mp3 players most of the way. in antigo we stopped @ a gas station and tried 2 bribe mom 4 krispy kremes with the puppy dog faces and "pleaseeeee moms" when she came out of the bathroom. ha. that didnt work too well, but hey we tried. then we went to mcdonalds 4 breakfast and i got a bacon egg and chesse biscuit [with no cheese]. haha. it was still about 1 1/2 hours til we got there. mom kept yellin @ me n morgan 4 singing. haha. and looking thru the year books with ang. but she got over it. we went 2 the cabin and omg it was so nice 2 get out. we unloaded the car and then went to talk to tante rosa and uncle del. mom kicked us out and we went in the paddle boat. well we weighed it down so much with the 4 of us that we were going about 1 mile an hour haha. so then we kicked lukas off at the dock and ang and i showed morgan where the house that mom wants is and where the guy killed himself by burning down his house. then we went back and lukas jumped into the water and pushed us back 2 shore. haha. then we went inside and were bothering mom, so we ate and then we played sex scrabble lmao [see picture below]. that was way too fun. we taught ang a lot of new words that day. lol. we went shopping in town after that ,we had a ton of fun walking into all the stores just for free fudge samples and then walking away. lmao. then we walked 2 the grocery store and we couldnt find the bathroom so we had 2 ask. hah. we went in2 the video store n waited 4 mom 2 come. we got final destination 3 and date movie. ive seen them both already but i loved them both. when we got back home lukas went swimming and ang morgan and i just kinda hung out doing random things. it was time for dinner so we went down there and ate. it was good. yum. then after dinner we helped clean up and we watched date movie. which was hilarious. after that was over we kicked the parents away from the fire and we played truth or dare. that was interesting. haha. then we got moms camera and started taking a trizillion pics til ang told on us and mom took the camera away. awh. then we went back up to the cabin and watched final destination 3. morgan was basically freaking out the whole time but i loved it. haha. after the movie we went 2 bed and we only talked for a little bit because we were both really tired. the next day we got up at nine and mom was being really bitchy and wouldnt buy me a sweatshirt, i was really pissed off so i took a shower like i normally do when i'm really pissed off. then mom felt bad like she normally does so we had a talk and then we went out on the boat and the kiddies went tubing while moe and i spotted. it was fun. then lukas tried to go skiing. he was doing really well and even got up but he kept losing his balance. tom tried 2 go after that but there was too much weight in the boat so he didnt. we went in and had lunch with tante rosa and morgan didnt want to eat the chicken salad and she didnt want anything else so she kept asking if she wanted this or that or this or that and morgan is like no so then she finally said that she'd have a cold brat, so tante rosa went inside the cabin and five minutes later comes out with 2 brat buns, ketschup, and mustard and then told morgan that she was just heating them up. haha. so she brought them out and morgan felt like she had to eat both although she didnt want either. after lunch we went and packed up the van and said good byes and headed out. we had to bring the movies back and then we bought scary movie 4 and watched that on the way home. traffic was really heavy and we were running late so i was going to be about 10 minutes late for work so mom made me call tim and tell him. lol. so i did and i was 10 minutes late. i had to stay really late at work that night too. it really sucked. but it was ok i guess because we had labor day off too.
on labor day i got up pretty early and we went over to dads so that becky could cut lukas and angela's hair before school started. after that we watched fear factor and had some snacks. we decided to go bowling after that. i really really sucked at that but it was fun anyway. [matt from TAP was there]. then i went home and had to do a lot of homework.
the rest of the week was pretty awesome. i've been hanging out a lot with ben grigg he is really really cool and we have a lot of fun together. i've met some of his friends too, they're just as awesome [mac, nick, kyle, vince, mike, mark]. i did great on my tests [except my english test which i failed, great]. i'm really liking sophomore year....
now garrett... im so confused about that whole situation... i have no clue what to do
ok so plans 4 this week:
monday-school;garrett's game
friday-schoo;bay port game or nda game [not sure yet]
satuday-townline employee meeting;nda dance
yepp as always call me if u wanna meet me anywhere or hang out
[ps. this post took me a long effin time 2 write haha]
first week of school went awesome, i think i'm actually going to like this year a lot more than last year. well so far anyway. i think i've finally gotten over the fact that i will never be going to bay port [even though i want to so bad]. and i've actually made a lot of friends so far this year, it's like i'm putting myself out there more and not being so reclusive inside my [omg i hate it here] attitude. my comp lit class is definitely my favorite of all of my classes, although i do enjoy all of them. it's my favorite though because there are these 3 freshy boys that are absolutely awesome in it [gavin, mac, jacob]. the whole first week we sat in the back row by ourselves and just laughed and made fun of people and screwed off the whole class. but mrs pease got pissed off apparantly and made us a seating chart, so now gavin is in one corner, jacob is in the other, and mac and i are next to eachother in the middle. we still text eachother and make fun of people the whole time. lunch is okay i guess, i didn't like it at first because i was sitting with these girls that i really don't like, but now most of the lunch i wander around and talk to the freshman. the only time that i'm really at my table is when i eat my food.
labor day weekend was a blast. friday i went over to garrett's [it was our 8 months] and he gave me some gorgeous flowers and asked me to homecoming. then he gave me a CD with all of these love songs on it. he is so sweet. then we went to the bay port / depere game. that was really bad. bay port sucks this year. the game was fun though. we stood by emily johnson and she is awesome. morgan was there, of course. and garrett was with brandon so i basically talked to eric the whole time which really pissed garrett off but he needs to get over the fact that i dont want to be with eric, i was the one that broke up with eric for him, and eric and i are just friends now. i also got my cell phone stolen which is absolutely awful, i started balling and i had no clue what to do. we called it and walked around for a long time but couldnt find it. then i just gave up and mom came and got me. morgan and i went home and switched into our pajamas and we went downstairs and pulled the couches together and listend to the CD that garrett made me. it was so sweet. then morgan and i looked thru eachother year book and we went thru all the hott guys and talked until 1:30am when mom yelled at us to go to bed. haha. oops. well ya then we went to bed and ang woke us up @ 6. we got dressed and cleaned up the basement and packed the van, we were out of the house and on our way by 8. we drove for a long time and listened 2 ipods / mp3 players most of the way. in antigo we stopped @ a gas station and tried 2 bribe mom 4 krispy kremes with the puppy dog faces and "pleaseeeee moms" when she came out of the bathroom. ha. that didnt work too well, but hey we tried. then we went to mcdonalds 4 breakfast and i got a bacon egg and chesse biscuit [with no cheese]. haha. it was still about 1 1/2 hours til we got there. mom kept yellin @ me n morgan 4 singing. haha. and looking thru the year books with ang. but she got over it. we went 2 the cabin and omg it was so nice 2 get out. we unloaded the car and then went to talk to tante rosa and uncle del. mom kicked us out and we went in the paddle boat. well we weighed it down so much with the 4 of us that we were going about 1 mile an hour haha. so then we kicked lukas off at the dock and ang and i showed morgan where the house that mom wants is and where the guy killed himself by burning down his house. then we went back and lukas jumped into the water and pushed us back 2 shore. haha. then we went inside and were bothering mom, so we ate and then we played sex scrabble lmao [see picture below]. that was way too fun. we taught ang a lot of new words that day. lol. we went shopping in town after that ,we had a ton of fun walking into all the stores just for free fudge samples and then walking away. lmao. then we walked 2 the grocery store and we couldnt find the bathroom so we had 2 ask. hah. we went in2 the video store n waited 4 mom 2 come. we got final destination 3 and date movie. ive seen them both already but i loved them both. when we got back home lukas went swimming and ang morgan and i just kinda hung out doing random things. it was time for dinner so we went down there and ate. it was good. yum. then after dinner we helped clean up and we watched date movie. which was hilarious. after that was over we kicked the parents away from the fire and we played truth or dare. that was interesting. haha. then we got moms camera and started taking a trizillion pics til ang told on us and mom took the camera away. awh. then we went back up to the cabin and watched final destination 3. morgan was basically freaking out the whole time but i loved it. haha. after the movie we went 2 bed and we only talked for a little bit because we were both really tired. the next day we got up at nine and mom was being really bitchy and wouldnt buy me a sweatshirt, i was really pissed off so i took a shower like i normally do when i'm really pissed off. then mom felt bad like she normally does so we had a talk and then we went out on the boat and the kiddies went tubing while moe and i spotted. it was fun. then lukas tried to go skiing. he was doing really well and even got up but he kept losing his balance. tom tried 2 go after that but there was too much weight in the boat so he didnt. we went in and had lunch with tante rosa and morgan didnt want to eat the chicken salad and she didnt want anything else so she kept asking if she wanted this or that or this or that and morgan is like no so then she finally said that she'd have a cold brat, so tante rosa went inside the cabin and five minutes later comes out with 2 brat buns, ketschup, and mustard and then told morgan that she was just heating them up. haha. so she brought them out and morgan felt like she had to eat both although she didnt want either. after lunch we went and packed up the van and said good byes and headed out. we had to bring the movies back and then we bought scary movie 4 and watched that on the way home. traffic was really heavy and we were running late so i was going to be about 10 minutes late for work so mom made me call tim and tell him. lol. so i did and i was 10 minutes late. i had to stay really late at work that night too. it really sucked. but it was ok i guess because we had labor day off too.
on labor day i got up pretty early and we went over to dads so that becky could cut lukas and angela's hair before school started. after that we watched fear factor and had some snacks. we decided to go bowling after that. i really really sucked at that but it was fun anyway. [matt from TAP was there]. then i went home and had to do a lot of homework.
the rest of the week was pretty awesome. i've been hanging out a lot with ben grigg he is really really cool and we have a lot of fun together. i've met some of his friends too, they're just as awesome [mac, nick, kyle, vince, mike, mark]. i did great on my tests [except my english test which i failed, great]. i'm really liking sophomore year....
now garrett... im so confused about that whole situation... i have no clue what to do
ok so plans 4 this week:
monday-school;garrett's game
friday-schoo;bay port game or nda game [not sure yet]
satuday-townline employee meeting;nda dance
yepp as always call me if u wanna meet me anywhere or hang out
[ps. this post took me a long effin time 2 write haha]
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