fill this out honestly n comment it in the comments... repost it in ur blog n ill fill it out fo u!
I have always wanted to_______ with you.
You have a cute______.
You make me _______.
You should _______.
Someday I will ______.
You + me=________.
If I saw you now I'd __________.
I would build a _______ just for you.
I would get your name tattooed on my __________.
If I could sing you any song it would be _________.
We could __________ under the stars.
My love for you is like that of ____________.
(P.S. ______________.)
I have always wanted to HAVE SEX with you.
You have a cute BELLY BUTTON.
You make me WANNA LALA.
You should FUCK ME.
Someday I will FUCK YOU.
You + me= SEX.
If I saw you now I'd TAP THAT.
I would build a NOTHING just for you.
I would get your name tattooed on my BOOBIE.
If I could sing you any song it would be THE NATIONAL ANTHEM.
We could SLEEP under the stars.
My love for you is like that of GARRETTS.
I have alwaiz wanted to IDK with you.
You have a cute SMILE.
You make me LAUGH.
You should IDK.
Someday i will IDK.
You + me = NOTHING.
If i saw you now i would WAVE.
I would build a IDK just for you.
I would get your name tatooed on my HAND?!
If i could sing and song with you it would be DONTCHA WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS HOT LIKE ME.
We could SIT under the stars.
My love for you is like that of A SISTER.
Love, Moe
(P.S. Hope you are having a good day.)
I have always wanted to fuck with you.
You have a beautiful smile.
You make me think of you every moment of every day.
You should get the hell over here.
Someday I will RULE THE WORLD.
You + me= ultimate sex.
If I saw you now I'd .......... :-D.
I would build anything just for you.
I would get your name tattooed on my back in big bold letters.
If I could sing you any song it would be if my name was brandon robertson.
We could make your dreams come true under the stars.
My love for you is like that of the intensity of 1000 suns.
Love, your's forever
(P.S. I love you so fuckin much.)
I have always wanted to shake the house with you.
You have a cute tit.
You make me wet myself, and masturbate like crazy crazy, .
You should strip right now.
Someday I will make all ur fantasies come true.
You + me=__RED HOT SEX.
If I saw you now I'd fuck the shit outta u.
I would build a just for you.
I would get your name tattooed on my penis.
If I could sing you any song it would be i wanna lick u from ur head 2 ur toes.
We could fuck the shit outta each other under the stars.
My love for you is like that of nasty orgasim.
Love,mr. horny
(P.S. suck my ass.)
mmkay im not sure if thats flattering or just plain creepy....
im thinkin creepy
erika...were going 2 "fuck the shit outta each other" lol
thats really creepy...
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