
catch up on this week

__ thursday __

omg it was a snowday... how amazing is that?!... so i slept til 11:15 && talked 2 Garrett on the phone all day, or @least when i didnt hav another call or mom needed tha phone... hehe... Sharon called n said that i didnt hav 2 work but that i had 2 work friday... sheesh... then i watched without a trace n made banana pudding

__ friday __

umm just another regular school day... it was super weird w/o cassie @ lunch... i hit eddie n goulder a few times... but they deserved it as usual... haha... mom had 2 pick me up from school so that i culd go home n get ready... i talked 2 Garrett n found out that my shirt was totally dirty n i culdnt wear it soo i had 2 call Sharon n ask her if she culd get me a new one... then i went 2 work n gotta shirt... i had 2 work til 10ish n it pretty much sucked... haha 5 hours of work... there were huge parties n we didnt hav ne silverwear cuz the fuckin dishwashers wuldnt do any... gosh then i almost cried cuz i was freakin out... haha... it was really gross tho when the drunkies were hitting on me... n when the guy was smoking his cigar in my face... mom n tom n the sibs came in n ordered sum pizza so i culd eat w/ them on break... they're nice... bj was workin 2... but ther was this one fuckin dishwasher that thought he culd tell me what 2 do and he was cockin off 2 me... i was soo close 2 just fuckin slaping him... gosh... so i finally got home n took a shower since i smelled like cigar... eww... i also got my paycheck! who!

__ saturday __

got up around 10 cuz i culdnt sleep nemore n i called Garrett... i was soo tired and had a major headache so i didnt say much... then he had 2 go hang out with his sister so i got ready... then we went 2 walmart n got syds bday presnt... ummm then we drove over 2 her house n dropped ang off n picked up Garrett... then we went home n played with the dogs 4 awhile n left 4 the movies... when we got 2 the movies there was a huge line that was outside the doors n it was like -20 outside so it sucked... yah... then we got in2 the theater n watched the movie... it was really funny, but also gross............ after the movie Garretts mom picked us up n brought us home... then i went 2 gmas n we went out 4 dinner @ BW3s... only the best resturant on the planet... yumm

__ now __

helping lukas with his social studies homework n puttin quotes in the xanga

__ later __

watchin TV n goin 2 bed

__ 2maro __

umm, nothin... goin home n doin homework... call me w/ plans!


1 comment:

Your favorite shorty said...

OMG...syd loves her bday present! (so do i! lol)