
PhObIaS i HaVe

Autophobia - Fear of being alone

Melissophobia - Fear of bees

Ornithophobia - Fear of birds

Gephyrophobia - Fear of bridges

Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries

Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns

Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces

Necrophobia - Fear of corpses

Iatrophobia - Fear of going to the doctor

Samhainophobia - Fear of Halloween

Hadephobia - Fear of Hell

Homophobia - Fear of homosexuality

Cleithrophobia - Fear of being in an inclosed place

Lygophobia - Fear of being in a dark and gloomy place

Virginitiphobia - Fear of rape

Satanophobia - Fear of Satan

Vitricophobia - Fear of Step-Father *lol*

Dancoolaphobia - Fear of Danny Cooley

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