
hmm... not much happened 2day

morning: umm lukas was yelling @ me 2 print his homework

bus: hussein thinks im cheating on eric with nate since i sit with him on the bus... what the fuck is with that lately? id never cheat on someone, i've had my heart broken 2 many times and i wouldnt do something like that 2 another person

phy ed: we took the basketball test... it was easy... then i worked on some other homework

algebra: box n whisker plots r stupid... we did them in like 7th grade... but ms castonia has the COOLEST light up sweaters

spanish: got 2 b creative n design my composition

theology: well mr lagerman told us 2 present r commandment but brian (hes mentally retarted) didnt do his outline, so we culdnt

lunch: omg so sarah bought me a doughnut (ya shes a suck up) and she brought it over 2 me... n im like ooh doughnut... so i started eating it and realized it was filled... so i said "i dont like filled doughnuts"... and she goes "yeah i know thats y i ripped the sticker off of it and hoped that u wouldnt notice"... wow... then she goes 2 the bathroom with mr havlachek cuz she needs help

science: the guys in my class tried guessing mr geyzee's name... that got crazy... i did the assignment n read my english story

history: i took the 2nd part of my test, took notes, and then read the other english story

english: i kept throwing paper at chris... chlc gave me HIV and liver poisining

study hall: just wasting time as usual

later: NoThInG... woo hoo...

[m.a.k.e i.t r.i.i.i.i.n.g]

love you eric Y

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