
omg what a day... an awesome 1 being a monday...

this mornin: omg i almost missed my bus.. it took me 4evr 2 get ready this mornin.. n i 4got my lunch again

bus: umm sat there..

phy ed: played volleyball.. my team sucks.. lol.. oh well.. its only volleyball.. not like its a real sport or nething

algebra: umm took some mor notes on multistep equations wif decimals.. not 2 hard

spanish: reviewed mostly.. nothin new

theology: i wasnt allowed 2 talk 2 jeremy all day.. says nick.. omg it was so hard.. specially when jeremy started dissin bay port.. gurr

lunch: that was interesting.. told cassie n eddie bout my party.. cassies comin.. eddie mite come but he wuld b late.. nway.. after lunch nate was bein an ass and yanked back on my backpack and flung me across the lunch room.. n yes the entire lunchroom looked @ me like i was a complete idiot.. n now i hav a bruise on my ass and it hurts

science: did another lab.. im partners with these really quiet ppl.. and it bothers me.. lol

history: omfg we have a huge test 2maro.. n i have 9 pages of typed notes that i need 2 no.. yah right.. omg omg omg omg

english: took the quiz.. i did really good.. we hav 2 make up a test 4 homework

study hall: emailed mom n took stupid quizzes cuz i was bored outta my effin mind

bus: well on the way 2 the bus.. eddie made me stand wif him n talk 2 him.. ya that was great.. umm then i got on tha bus n sat there.. how boring

@ home: changed in2 mor comfy clothes n went shoppin

shopping: omg we got the coolest stuff 4 my party.. we spent like $150 on decorations.. its guna b so much fun 2 set up.. n then i got my costume.. its so cute.. lol

@ home: blah.. talked 2 morgan n garrett.. did homework.. im stil not even close 2 done n its 9:30.. great.. 2maro wil b a long day

now: sittin here doin homework n talkin 2 morgan

later: hopefully finishin all my homework n gettin sum sleep

2maro: nothin really.. school.. n then hangin out wif dad.. its angelas 9th bday

wednesday: school.. n then gift with morgan, allyson, brandon, john, danny, and alie.. and i get 2 c garrett.. YYYYAAAAAYYYY (ihpgv)

thursday: school.. n then nothin.. cuz BP fball is over.. so i cant go 2 eric/garretts game.. omg its so sad i think im gonna cry.. :-'(

friday: school.. n then goin 2 dads 4 the weekend

I L0o00o0o0o0o0ve You Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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