
dance / dinner / reception

ok so i get there 20 minutes late b cuz my mom kept looking @ herself in the mirror and then she 4 got her purse and the digital camera but i wouldnt let her go back and she was mad @ me

when we get there i had nooo idea wher we were supposed 2 go cuz I've never been there before and the guys like go thru that door and then down the hall and theres another door

OMFG that place is HUUUUUGE!!! so i get in and my friends r like hey theres erika so they come over and they said hi and brought me over 2 put my parents names on a plate lol and then i got 2 c the cake which was a really bad picture b cuz we were all looking in2 the sun and squinting

then we talked 4 awhile and waited 4 every1 2 get ther while we drank KIDDIE COCKTAILS oooo i love those.... lol my dad accidentally told me he was getting married in august lol hes like

"yeah were getting married in august"
and i go "what"
so he said "yeah"
and im like "thanks for telling me"
and he said "its not like u kno the people"
and i said "huh"
so hes like "yeah its _____ and _____ 's wedding (dont member tha names)"
and i said "OHHH U SAID WERE GETTING MARRIED SO I THOUGHT U MEANT U AND SUE".... lol it was pretty funny

after that we went over 2 the table 4 dinner... @ r table was Morgan, Me, Mrs Alexander, Becky, Lauren, Alicia, Chelsea, and Cassie... now that was pretty funny... we had mashed potatoes, moulash (srry idk what its called in english... thats german lol), chicken, buns, veggies, mashed potatoes, and stuffing... then we were talking about why we dont like r step parents.... how u should kno ur step siblings birthdays.... and laughing @ mrs alexander b cuz she has 2 get up early 2moro and teach!!

when dinner was over... mrs. pamperin gave us all gift bags with stuff in it from the h.s. that were goin 2... so i got @ NDA keychain, a NDA hilighter, and a pair of NDA boxers... then megan scanned all the pictures and letters from the scrap book and made every1 a new one!!

after every1 was ooohing and aaahing over the pics n gift baskets, we started 2 dance... actually no1 was dancing so i got my mom out ther and she started us up... after a few songs more and more people came out, especially 4 the cha cha slide. then my friends and i karaoked 2 IM TO SEXY... (lol cuz its tru... WERE TOO SEXY... ya go being too sexy). then we danced for hours... yes hours, for the slow dances i danced 2 with my daddy... 2 with nathan (ya me n nathan)... 1 with cassie... 1 with morgan... and then 2 in a group... it was soo mcuh fun. morgan and i tout tha guys all kinds of different dances. it was really funny when my mom came out and started dancing too. lol.

it was really sad when we had 2 leave tho. we brought beth home and it was really freaky because this strange guy was just standing outside. i swear he was like stalking us or something. it was soooo scary tho.

then i went home and looked @ all the pics my dad took which u can c @


some of those r hilarious


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