
Ughh Monday

Bus: talked 2 josh about the blizzard game n megans party... me n danny were makin fun of colin n cassie cuz they r hilarious

Math: boring... reviewed 4 the test we have 2moro

Social Studies: i looooove that movie... its so sad tho

Computer: i swear if i have 2 type in mario teaches typing one more time in my life i think i will explode... i did the same frickin lesson like 10 times!

Lit: boring... we were talkin about helen keller n her blindedness, deafness, n muteness

English: i actually dont get what were learin about right now... uh oh

Lunch: there was no more bread so i took one of morgans and licked it but she still ate it

Indoor Recess: i was singing 2 oliver's guitar playing... and i came up with a new word "instrumenticalness"

Science: i got my test back and i did good on it!!! YESS!!! and 2moro we r gona go play in the creek

Religion: 8th commandment... thou shall not bear false witness against your neigbhor... fun fun

Study Hall: i did my homework... WOW

Bus: me n sam were makin fun of danny's beard... its blonde... lol... and peach fuzzy

Home: i made dinner n got ready 4 practice while talkin 2 garrett

Softball: that was really funny... prolly the hilight of my whole day... garrett n danny were ther along with my mom and dad n 3rd graders... my mom made me talk 2 her n my dad 4 like ever about graduation, thats y its bad when my parents r both 2gether... then we played keep away... colin kept kicking his mom and she couldnt stop him... then i was hugging the 3rd graders... garrett picked me up like john does... then i washed off that pascifire and put it in my mouth... my pants were going to fall off... and them 3rd graders r strange

Home: i made graduation invitations and talked 2 garrett

im tired so im gona go sit in my hot tub, take a shower, n go 2 bed


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