

2day was so hilarious

morgan n i r spazzes lol no1 is gona get this but us so ill just say it neway n confuse every1 lol

  • "morgan... HI""ur spahgetti n noodles n meatballs"
  • "omg 4 lunch we can have tacos and ninnamon rolls"
  • "i loooooooooooove you"
  • "me ryan morgan n brandon r quadruplets cept im the sexiest one and 2 of them were born insane"

and thats only a couple of them lol but i got lots of stuff 2 do rite now so i cant write em all... if morgans bored she can comment the rest on my blog lol

LOVE YAH MORGAN ILL MISS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Your favorite shorty said...

~ ok first...we were all born insane...ya ur tha sexiest one but i am tha hottest one
OK more of r wonderful moments 2day
~ur assingment notebook
~tha building is on fire
~i dont have ne hair...o wait look @ my shoulders
~theyres r crazy

ok wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2 many 2 name

Your favorite shorty said...

i thought of another one
~ r we goina go get another one or leave it?

Your favorite shorty said...

i 4got 2 say this last night so she can read it wen she gets back


Your favorite shorty said...

more of r insane day

~i am dieing of laughter
~have fun w/ _______ (it sed a name but im not puttin it)
~look @ tha ground
~its better than this song...its better than _________'s voice in my ear
~i dont wanna hear about his finger...ITS HILAROUS!!!
~I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE U ________!...whos _______?
~carmelo is playen right now if u get bored...wait i lied
~i can hardly get enouf courage 2 call u @ home...i wont wanna call u on ur vacation
~ME:who will u miss more? me, garrett or my 6th graders?
Rika: u...then garrett n my 6th graders
~shes jest using u n she can get alotta black mail 2...ya i no...i mise well not go...its no different

Ok ya that enough 4 now...ill write more later