Wow… drama… got up around 9 cuz we had 2 leave early… had breakfast and got dressed… then we watched MTV 4 a couple of hrs… we had 2 meet mommy @ noon cuz angela had 2 b 2 camp by 3… so we met mom and drove home… traffic was really bad… cuz on the 2 lane hi way… there was a train… and stopped us 4 like 20 minutes… so we were late… then we rushed home… angela packed and I got dressed… then we left… mom dropped me off @ the church picnic and they left 2 bring angela 2 camp… @ the picnic… I saw morgan… she was hangin out with Brandon and Carrie who r both supposedly mad @ me… carrie thinks that im a slut… wtf… she doesn’t even know me!!!... geeze… yeah well anyway… then I got really upset about something… and morgan and Brandon tried 2 make me tell them… but I wouldn’t… so I just cried… yes ME, ERIKA, cried… it was so sad… then morgan and I walked 2 DQ… I got a cheeseburger… and then morgan gave me a hug 2 make me feel better… so the guy asked us if we were lesbians… and then he threw a napkin @ me… it was so mean… then we walked back and saw Jordan almost get hit by a car… then we went and sat down @ the picnic table by Brandon and carrie… my mom called and told me she was 20 minutes away but I jumped when the cell rang… cuz mine was dead… so I had 2 use my moms… and it vibrated weird… so yah… then she called again and I had 2 meet her in the parking lot… carrie and Brandon and morgan followed me… I got a hug from Brandon and morgan before I left… and then they were talking 2 my mom… then I came home and chilled… I had a headache so then I put ice on it and listened 2 music… now im getting ready 4 2moro… cant w8!!... later ~**sexy chica**~
I got up @ 11:30… then I had breakfast and watched TV… the girls came home @ and I had lunch… then I sat on the couch and watched TV until dinner… we were gonna go 2 the lake… but sue had 2 go 2 work… so we couldn’t… so all I did all day other than eat… was sit and watch TV… it was boring… then sue came home @ 6:30 and we had dinner… after that we watched the movie My Cousin Vinny… which was good… then The Best Of Will Farrell Vol. 2… and then MAD TV… and I went 2 bed @ 10:30
2day was so screwed up… I got up n went 2 TAP but I had 2 come home @ 11:30 so we did pretty much nothing… sparrow wasn’t thurr either… so it was so weird… this drummer guy… craig… from the band the annexe… came and talked 2 us… actually he played 4 us… it was so cool… totally tubular… I wanna do it… but I no I cant lol cuz I cant do all that stuff @ 1 time… im talented but not that much… lol… so after we left me n Emily colored on the picture frames… it was fun… I made one for me n morgans pic… and one 4 johns… I wont use them… but hey w/e… then Brandon asked me if he could do “it” for me… so I said sure… then I left… when I got home my mom had me do all these weird chores… I had 2 sweep off the stairs… ect… it was weird… and then I listened 2 music… my dad came @ 2 and we drove up 2 his house… we watched TV and then had dinner… after dinner we watched more TV and waited 4 susie 2 come home… then we had ice cream and brownies… we watched a lil more TV and then went 2 bed @ 10… <3 RIKA <3
STUPID… we went 2 the courses… it was so dumb… I had 2 b in a group of all Washington ppl… it sucked… we first did the obstacle course… I watched BWAYA fall in… it was really sad… but also hilarious… I felt really bad 4 him… so then I had 2 run the obstacle course… but I fell down like 10 times… and 1 time I had 2 pick a woodchip outta my knee… it was sick… and then the staff kept telling me to go the wrong way so it kept slowing me down… it sucked I ended up with 3:34… sooo bad… but w/e I guess… then we had lunch… yay… lol… after lunch I roasted me a marshmallow… actually it was more like burned me a marshmallow… lol… then me bwaya, Jordan, and sparrow went 4 a walk 2 look @ the animals… I loved the doggy… lol… but bwaya pinched me and I thought it bit me… lol… soo then we looked @ the other animals… and the sheep had the biggest balls ive ever seen… it was oh so gross… and I couldn’t c the pigs so sparrow lifted me up… lol… then we went and saw the donkey and I thought it was going to eat me… lol… so then I went back over by my dog… and we left… then I went on the scavenger hunt… they gave me a compass and I had 2 try 2 get 2 the end fastest… well r compass was broked… so we got lost… lol… we got done in 40 minutes… but it was hilarious cuz BWAYAs group almost finished faster than us but he grabbed a flat rock instead of what was behind the flat rock… lol… so yah… we were done first… but were really slow… we finished in like 10th place… so that’s really bad but w/e… on the way back the “preps” were singing camp songs on the bus… and the one where it goes… “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 LET ME C U(R) ___________ “… trish said “let me c u grind on me” and it was hilarious… but they got in so much trubble… and it gave me bad thoughts… but yah… then we got back and had snack… I sat with Tyler… cuz he was all alone… then morgan came… and we talked about her party… she was gonna do “it” but he wasn’t thurr… so yah… then Emily was setting up and she spilt 27 cups of juice… it turned out that no1 showed up neway… and morgan didn’t ask him… she waned me 2 do it… but im like uhh no u need 2 do it… so then my mom picked us up and brought her home… then I went home and listened 2 brandons CDs cuz morgan gave em 2 me 2 bring em back 2 him… so yah… how exciting… (M)U(A)H .:..: Erika :...:.
Omg 2day was a blast… I went 2 TAP… which was fun 2… we went 2 packer practice… and I was really upset cuz I didn’t get 2 c Ahmad Carroll and he couldn’t ride my bike… but I got over it… yah… then we went into packer experience… which was so different this year… and it was so lame… but it was fun I guess… I was in BWAYA and jordans group again… but then after about a ½ hr we all got really bored so BWAYA, sparrow, and I went up 2 the arcade @ curlys… all I did was watch other ppl play games and stare @ the pretty packer players cars… it was fun… but then I was mad again cuz andy said that we could get ice cream but then we didn’t… so it was bad… lol… then we left and sat on the side of the road trying 2 c how many ppl we could get 2 honk @ us… I didn’t do it… but every1 else did… I was thinking and COLD… lol… then we got on the bus back 2 franklin… when we got back we had lunch and then went 2 the pool… I 4got my swimsuit so I had 2 sit around… but it was fun… me, BWAYA, and sparrow listened 2 the dell-pod… and tried 2 drown corey and eli out from their stupid redneck jokes… it was so stupid… and annoying… then we 8 eli’s cinnamon rice cakes… those were good… I bought a red slushy and 3 banana laffy taffys with my dollar… then we went back 2 the site… I told tyler raymaker I thought he was odd… lolol… when we got back we had snack and I changed clothes and got ready 4 the party… then I just sat around and waited 4 my mom 2 come… and I helped sparrow make morgan a bday card… it didn’t turn out ½ bad… lol… then my mom came and we got in the car… Lukas and sparrow sat in the back and I sat in the front… it was funny… first sparrow was 7 foot 2 cuz yesterday told him so… then he was 5 foot 2… and were like uh no ur not… so then hes like I mean 5 10 ¼… we had no idea what he was talking about… lol… then when we got 2 morgans we were the first ones there so we just hung out and ate food… then garrett came… then Brandon and ryan came… then chelsie came… and then carrie and finally john… it was a blast… we ordered pizza and listened 2 brandons CDs… then chelsie and I hid garretts bike in the neighbors bush… after that we had the waterballoon fight… but I didn’t get wet @ all so sparrow and morgan thru an entire bucket full of water @ me… it was so mean… and then I tried 2 get sparrow 2 dance with morgan but he wouldn’t… so I gave up… then john n garrett stole my sweatshirt and that’s all im gonna say about that ;-)… lol… then I got it back and we went 2 the “dance”… and sparrow danced with her… it was so sweet… and I danced with garrett… then my mommy came and I had 2 go home… so I gave all my good byes and left… then I came home and took a shower… morgans party rocked… so that was my tubular day… xoxox, ~**babe**~
It was a looong day 2day… went 2 TAP as usual… BAY BEACH… all day!!... it rocked… I wuz in BWAYA n jordans group… it was a blast… we got $3 worth of tickets… and went on rides… we spent em all before lunch so we had 2 buy more after… I saw… Taylor Farr, Chase Farr, Dan Jaroz, Alexa Farr, and Chanele Haney… then we had lunch… yumm… after we got more tickets and went on more rides… then we played on the playground and chilled… then we went on a beachside walk… and went on one last ride… then we just walked around 4 awhile… sooo that was my day @ bay beach… then my mom picked me up and we went 2 walmart… after that I went 2 morgans house and left 4 the chiro… I sat in the w8in room w/ them and saw faith… then we all went in the room… it was strange… then we went 2 subway and saw beth… and after that we went 2 morgans councelling where I decided that I didn’t wanna go 2 the park… so I sat in the w8in room 4 that 2… I read 2 magazines, read a book, and listened 2 WIXX… it was fun… after that we went 2 Target… it was fun… we got all the party supplies that we needed and then went home… there, we set up… that was a blast… we made her house really tubular… then her mom brought me home and we chatted in the car… so that was my day… love always, erika
Oook… so 2day was very exciting… got 2 TAP and chilled on the couch… surprise surprise… I do it every single day… lolol… then Sparrow got thurr and I listened 2 his dell-pod till snack/store… I got more poptarts and drank my grape kool-aid… it was good… then I signed up 4 the library… after snack/store… I went and sat back on the couch til we left 4 the library… when we got thurr I wanted 2 go on a puter but 4got my library card… so I couldn’t… so we went downstairs and looked @ magazines… and then I walked past this guy that was looking @ porn… it was so gross… then he saw me looking @ him and he got really embarrassed and changed screens… it was sick… then we went back upstairs… and rode the elevator a couple of times… and then we got sick of it so we went into the kiddie area… and I sweet talked the lady 2 let me go on the computer… it rocked… yes… so I went on AIM… and talked 2 pplz… it was fun fun… then I got kicked off and we checked in with the staff… but they said we had 10 minutes… so we went 2 the back of the teen section and bwaya was reading me a book… it was great… lolol… and I looked @ his leg which was so totally gross from scratching it with his shoe… all puss-like and red… then I realized that I wanted 2 change my vote… I say No… but bwaya has no idea… we shall c… I will ask him… idk when tho… then we went back 2 TAP and we had lunch… it was great… lolol… I like every1s food… its yummy… after lunch we went 2 the park… it was a blast… first we were @ the lame one… and were playin baseball… but then we went 2 the other one… and we played baseball thurr 2… I was such a good picter… and then all of a sudden… this guy that was biking comes up 2 us… and stares @ me from outside the diamond 4 like 20 minutes… and then he said 2 sparrow “that is one hott chick”… then he started playing with us… it was insane… but then we had 2 go so we went back 2 TAP and had snack… we had animal crackers so it made me feel like a lil kid again… I still do love those… lol… then mom picked me up and she had all these plants in her car… so she dropped me @ home before getting Lukas and angela… and then I just played with pics from Eagle River… it was fun… then I redid my computer… cuz I was bored… so then we had dinner… spaghetti… I love it… LOVE it… lol… it was good… and we even had garlic bread… then I cleaned 4 fishtanks… cuz I owe my mom $$$... yes… it was fun… then I laid on my bed and listened 2 my music… and I love the Click 5 Song… that goes… “Shes bitter sweet… she knocks me off my feet… and I cant help myself… I don’t want anyone else… shes a mystery… shes too much for me… and I keep comin back for more… shes just the girl im lookin 4”… good song… and it reminds me of BWAYA cuz he always tells me that its my theme song… lol… so that was my awesome day… love yah lotz, erika
@ the moment i am @ the library with a bunch of guys... its hilarious... we r all on AIM but we r sitting next 2 eachother... and this computer is hilarious... it wont let me use AIM Express so im using AIM Quick Buddy... and its hilarious... bcuz everytime u try 2 talk 2 sum1 another window pops up and wont go away... its pathetic... lol
so here r my movie reviews... from the ones i watched this weekend...
Sandlot 2-- good movie... better than i thought it would b... not as good as the 1st one... but good... and the blonde guys, DAVID, omg is so hott ;-)
Are We There Yet?-- hilarious... absolutely hilarious... that guy was soo cool... i wish he baby sat me!!... lolol
Coach Carter-- I LOVE THAT MOVIE... it was great... that is the best coach ever... my coaches should b like that... yay
so yes... now i am still sitting here... and ppl keep asking bryan if hed go out with me if i asked him... lol its hialrious... and he keeps getting really PO'd... lolol... its funny
well we have 2 go check in... sooo ya...
so here r my movie reviews... from the ones i watched this weekend...
Sandlot 2-- good movie... better than i thought it would b... not as good as the 1st one... but good... and the blonde guys, DAVID, omg is so hott ;-)
Are We There Yet?-- hilarious... absolutely hilarious... that guy was soo cool... i wish he baby sat me!!... lolol
Coach Carter-- I LOVE THAT MOVIE... it was great... that is the best coach ever... my coaches should b like that... yay
so yes... now i am still sitting here... and ppl keep asking bryan if hed go out with me if i asked him... lol its hialrious... and he keeps getting really PO'd... lolol... its funny
well we have 2 go check in... sooo ya...

omg yah this is a pic of george (left) and matt #1 (right)... they r sooo hott... woo hoo... from eagle river... and i think that every1 should c them... lolol... i have more but im lazy n grounded... so go 2 http://www.uwgb.edu/pynakerm/Eagle_River_2005.htm and c the rest of em... woo hoo... i love u george n matt #1... !!!!!

ok so wednesday... 6 flags... was a blast... me, morgan, hank, hanks dad, brandon, bwaya, and sparrow... first ride... my fave... SUPERMAN... woo hoo... omg then it started raining tho.... and we were standing in line... cuz we crazy... i got my funnle cake... and it was great... the 1 ride, vertical velocity scurred me... lolol... the bus ride was fun... we all got pissed @ brandon cuz hes such a pimp and its sick... his whore is gross 2... yes so... everything that happened in the pavilion has 2 stay in the pavillion so i cant speak of it... but some other funny moments were: writing in the notebook, trying 2 read what him & her wrote, dropping my CD player, losing jamesons hat, payin morgan 75 cents 2 borrow her CD player, married life, and soooo many more... it was a total blast
thursday... we did totally noting really... i got laid by THE john... dont ask... we were watching a movie... and yes... every1 was so tired we just hung out... and i didnt wanna go swimming or the skate park... so yah... then i went out 4 dinner with my dad... we went 2 BW3s... it was great... after that we went 2 the pet store and got angelas replacement fish... then we went 2 hansens 4 dessert... i got an ice cream cone... but i had bring the fish in the store w/ me so it wouldnt bake in the car... lol so the ppl looked @ me like i was mental or something... then i went home n talked online 4 along time
friday... morgans last day... was full of so much drama... lol... morgan 1 teen of the week... and she gave me 2 fries... yes i rock... we watched another movie... and i fell asleep on BWAYA... wasnt my fault... i was tired... and he was there... so it just fell all in2 place... i wore thomas's hat... and i got every1s screen name... then i went home and mom came home... she didnt bring me food... then she wanted me 2 go 2 the store but i didnt want 2... so then i had 2 get off the computer @ 8:30.. but i dindt get off til 8:41 so she was pissed... then i went on l8r and she caught me so im grounded... yay
thats my week in a very shortend form...
thursday... we did totally noting really... i got laid by THE john... dont ask... we were watching a movie... and yes... every1 was so tired we just hung out... and i didnt wanna go swimming or the skate park... so yah... then i went out 4 dinner with my dad... we went 2 BW3s... it was great... after that we went 2 the pet store and got angelas replacement fish... then we went 2 hansens 4 dessert... i got an ice cream cone... but i had bring the fish in the store w/ me so it wouldnt bake in the car... lol so the ppl looked @ me like i was mental or something... then i went home n talked online 4 along time
friday... morgans last day... was full of so much drama... lol... morgan 1 teen of the week... and she gave me 2 fries... yes i rock... we watched another movie... and i fell asleep on BWAYA... wasnt my fault... i was tired... and he was there... so it just fell all in2 place... i wore thomas's hat... and i got every1s screen name... then i went home and mom came home... she didnt bring me food... then she wanted me 2 go 2 the store but i didnt want 2... so then i had 2 get off the computer @ 8:30.. but i dindt get off til 8:41 so she was pissed... then i went on l8r and she caught me so im grounded... yay
thats my week in a very shortend form...
Eagle River
7/13/2005 2:07 PM
S0o0 we were drivin in tha truck up 2 eagle river and its sooo hott… omg… and this truck doesn’t have a/c… so was like dying… yah so I listened 2 my cd player… but then it died cuz I used all the batteries @ TAP yesterday… and I didn’t bring ne batteries… yah duh… I kno… then we got a sweet tooth so we went 2 this dairy queen in antigo… well we went thru the drive thru so we wouldn’t have 2 get out… but it was the lamest drive thru ive ever seen… it was like a U shaped thing… u order on the rite side… and then drive in the U pattern till pick up… I swear it was sooooo strange… so we came up with a new redneck joke… “u kno it’s a redneck city when the dairy queen doesn’t have a real drive thru…
So now we r still drivin… about an hr left… so me n ange r chillin n listein 2 music (brandons cd) on the lap top… cuz I am o so brilliant… hehe… u kno it… wml
7/14/2005 10:02 AM
Now I will rite about yesterday… @ the moment I am laying on the beach in my orange bikini getting tan and writin this on moms laptop… its really hot 2day so I should get a pretty nice tan this week… yay!!... so anyway
Yesterday after we got here… ange and I went up 2 auntie heidis deck and we talked 2 her cuz my bro n the rest of my cuzins were tubin with my aunt deb… s0o we just chatted… its not fair… she has a bigger bruise than me… its sooo pretty!!... I also found out that my brother stepped on a bee… the only 1 that didn’t was REL… so now im scared cuz im allergic and I don’t wanna step on one!!!... ahhh
Soo when they got back from tubing my mom n I went over 2 omis and we chilled @ her house and I watched REL and omi play cards… then this lady that idk came and every1 started freaking out… and im like uhh who r u… lol…
After that lady left… we were playin hand and foot with pairs… me n REL… Lukas n rebekah… angela n Andrew… while omi was making dinner so we kept taste testing lol… nice way 2 try the food b4 ne1 else!
Then @ dinner auntie heidi made viel… id never had it b4 so I was kinda scared… lol… so my bro n I ended up splitting one and it was actually really good…
After dinner auntie chris, opa, rebekah, and Lukas all had 2 go in the water and jump off the raft cuz their team lost in mini golf… so that was pretty funny… that made ever1 else wanna go in the water… soo I didn’t want 2 but omi told me that I should… so I went… and I got yelled @ cuz I have a 2 piece swimsuit and its not modest… comon im 14 yrs old!!!!!!!! Geeze… its not like im a whore or something… wow… yah well we had fun ne way… we were playin keep off the raft… boys vs girls… we lost really bad… but only cuz they have peter lol… every1 else got cold so they got out… cept 4 me REL n rebekah… so we just screwed around till we got cold… so then we went in 2
I went in and dried off and then went 2 omis with REL and we watched a chick flick, romance movie… it wasn’t that bad… but not my type… it was called SABRINA
When it was over I went out by the fire and talked 2 bryan and marks mom about Washington DC… that was fun… but then I got tired so I went in2 the cabin
Angela and I had 2 share the pull out couch bed and REL slept on a mattress on the floor… it was sooo hott… but then a round 3 am it got sooo cold… so we had 2 get up and shut the windows… it was really bad tho cuz u kno how I have sleep problems… yah well I heard this really bad demonic song and I kept getting these horrible flashes and couldn’t sleep… it was really bad
Ill wml… but 4 now ill soak up the sun… ;-)…
7/14/2005 1:03 PM
So im gonna write about this morning rite now while its fresh on my mind… otherwise u kno me and my stml ill 4get everything lol
After I got sick of laying on the beach I went and asked tom if hed take me tubing… and he said sure in a lil bit… so I sat in the tube on the dock while he went and warmed up the boat…
When he came back me, Lukas, angela, peter, rebekah, and john all went tubing… me n pete went first… it was @ full blast but not very bumpy and we didn’t fall out… then angela and rebekah went followed by Lukas and john… john didn’t like the ride @ all… he kept saying slower when Lukas was saying faster… then pete and I went again… now tom got daring… he tried 2 tip us out… but we held on tite… he did V8s and took us over r own waves… lol… I swore that we were gonna tip… then one time we went from one side of the wake to the other… but not by skidding across water… it was airborne… it was scary but a total and complete blast… after rebekah and angela went Lukas and john went again… and then we went back 2 the dock… Lukas got yelled @ cuz he didn’t bring the tube back and he was being a smart-alec… but hey that’s Lukas… so he got in trubble and me, mom, pete, and rebekah went and took tom skiing… hes really good @ it… it was very entertaining… I have pictures… lolol
Then we came back to the dock and evry1 was in the water so I figured… hey why not… so I went in 2… rebekah was like stalking me tho so I got out cuz it got old after awhile…
Now im sitting in the kitchen of my cabin waiting 4 the water 2 boil 4 my mac and cheese… yummy… lol
7/14/2005 5:08 PM
So I made my mac and cheese and it was delicious as normal… my mom said I had 2 eat a hot dog 2 so I made it taste better by chopping it up and putting it in with my mac and cheese… it actually wasn’t that bad… so yea I took my food down 2 the lake and 8 it on the dock so I could talk 2 evry1 else that was out ther
After that I went back in the water and rebekah was being annoying again… lol… it’s the age… I was that way 2… just not as bad… I hope… lol well anyway… pete got her off me 4 a sec and I ran 4 it… but I decided that I didn’t wanna stay in the house so I took the lap top and brandons CD and went and laid on the back of the boat… and tanned my back… its pretty now… not white nemore… well hey I was workin on the front all summer so far… so this week ill do both but mostly back so its not white… lol… that must look strange… tan front… and total white back… hehe
So yeah I was layin out there 4 like an hr and a ½ … it was so bloody hot tho that I kept sweatin off all the Gatorade I drank… so that wasn’t good… and then I got dehydrated and I got one of those dehydration migranes… so I went in and took a shower
My shower was really cold… on purpose… it felt soooo good on my hot bod… I got out n got dressed n then tried 2 find my mom… but she was @ the store… so I couldn’t talk 2 her… so I called her celly but she didn’t answer that either… so I just waited and about evry 10 minutes id call again… well when I finally got her… she was @ the hospital looking 4 omi… but omi wasn’t there etiehr… so she came home… but it was too late 4 her 2 get what I wanted @ the store… so I had 2 wait
When my mom came home… REL and Auntie Heidi wanted to know if I wanted to go to the store… so I said sure
7/15/2005 9:10 AM
So REL, Auntie Heidi and I went 2 the Flour Sack… it’s a food store… with all these exotic things in it… it was awesome… but we went there with only a ½ hr b4 closing so we had 2 hurry it up… we found all these really cool things and things ive never seen b4… auntie heidi being a chef and all found SOOO much stuff… after that we went 2 the candy store bcuz we needed 2 get sugar free chocolate for Auntie Sally who is watching Auntie Heidis flowers… REL got fizz 4 her locker cuz theyre not allowed 2 have food in class and she can put those in her pocket and slip them in2 her mouth… after that we figured that we had 2 get something 2 eat bcuz the boys were out shooting and trapping and wouldn’t b home till 8… so we went thru the mc donalds drive thru… it was amazing tho how REL and I eat exatly the same thing exatly the same way… we both got #11s… plain… with a soda and fries… I eat my burger first, then my fries, and then drink my soda… so does REL… it was so strange… then we were driving back and this lady had a real squirrel on her shoulder… kinda scary actually
When we got back my mom, tom, n bro were already fishing so I figgered… well y not… lets play cards… so we did… we played hand and foot… me n REL against auntie heidi and aunt chris… it was fun… REL and I kicked major booty! Then we played a 2nd game… the teams were me n REL, tante heidi and rebekah, and peter and uncle dave… it was the longest game ever… and I was sooo annoyed cuz I had 2 sit next 2 rebekah and if u no me u no I don’t like being touched and I need my personal space and clingy ppl just bug me… yah well rebekah would not get off… she was hanging all over me… and it suckd
After we finally got done… I went out 2 the fire… but evry1 was leavin cuz it was late… so im like uhhh well that sucks… so I went up 2 r cabin… got my PJs on and headed over 2 omis
I think that sleeping was even worse than the night b4… angela insisted that rebekah sleep with me n her on the couch bed that fits 2 ppl… yah well 2 ppl and we had 3 on it… it was not pretty… they kept teamin up on me and takin all the covers… so I was really cold… and I don’t sleep good unless im super hott… soo it wasn’t good
This morning they tried 2 wake me up WAYY 2 early so I just yelled @ em and turned around and went back 2 bed… then when they all left… I got up and had breakfast with Omi… it was really nice… we had some interesting convos 2… 1 about discrimination and another about her immigration here… I love her stories
Now im just staying out of the way bcuz I have a headache and I don’t feel good and if sum1 says sumthin 2 me I will prolly kill them
I need more sleep… but its 2 late now… maybe ill try 2 take a power nap later or something… im not relly sure yet… omg I wonder if george comes 2moro!!
7/15/2005 1:59 PM
I went outside n flipped the boat from fishing mode 2 ski mode and then laid on the boat… but it was so incredibally hot that I was dying… so I went back 2 the cabin and laid on the bed with a fan blowing on me
My mom came back from the store and then I went back outside… I laid on the boat 4 another 10 minutes until I realized that I was going 2 kill myself… so I just jumped in2 the water
We hung out in the water 4 a coupla hrs… we even had 2 major water balloon fights… it was a blast… then I got out and went 2 make me a sandwich… but we had no bread so I was screwed… then I decided that I had 2 eat something so I was going 2 make an egg-mc-compton… but we had no eggs… so I just gave up and made an egg-mc-compton without eggs… lol… it was good
Then I went and sat on the dock and watched evry1else swim… but I got hot once again so I went 2 lay on the boat while it was nice and high… so I grabbed my moms laptop and went on the boat… but when I got there… to my surprise… after “charging” the laptop all day long… it wasn’t plugged in2 the wall… so now I have 2 wait 4 it 2 charge b4 I can go lay on the boat… yay
7/15/2005 4:22 PM
Well this lap top didn’t charge fast enough so I just went out and laid on the boat… I fell asleep 4 like 5 minutes… yay… lol… awesome… but hey it made me feel better
Then I went in and took a nice cold shower 2 get ready 4 dinner
We 8 @ like 3… steaks and other stuff… it was really good… I also found out that George, JR, Matt, John, and Dan are all coming… :’-( that sucks cuz I have 2 go home early this week 4 6 flags… but I guess you gotta take the good with the bad… smile when your sad… forgive and forget… and remember life goes on… !! my favorite quote… but yeah its still really sad… oh well I guess… yah so they come after 1:00 2moro… cant wait!!
After dinner I came back up 2 the cabin n listened 2 music and typed this… I also typed every single word from 1,2 step… which is a great song… and then I did the dance 2 it… yay… fun fun fun
I love Ciara!! She’s great
… WML…
7/15/2005 6:15 PM
Ok I am a pretty tolerant person but after awhile everything gets annoying… I mean I am used 2 my normal schedule… and I don’t like breaking it… well there r just 2 many ppl here 4 me 2 handle… and they r sucking up all my air… lol… I have asthma and ther r so many of em all over tha place that I cant breathe…
So after I got sick of my music I went outside n sat by my mom n her possi and then they had some really strange convos so I left and went n sat by uncle dave but he was just staring in2 space so then I went back by my mom and got 2 b bartender again… she owes me $! REL and I left when we realized that ther was no more of r family members left lol we were eavesdropping on random pplz convos… lolol
Then they were teasing me cuz im gonna b sad when I have 2 leave on Tuesday cuz george, matt, john, n dan will still b here… I totally denied it but I was thinking heck yeah I will… then they were teasing me cuz even tho im gonna miss all the guys up in eagle river that I will b in heaven with the guys at TAP… lol… we shall c about that one
2moro my step sisters come… im excited… I haven’t seen them since… umm early april when I got my hair highlighted… loooong time ago… so yah that will b fun… and my mom is finally gonna go grocery shopping… geeze… evry1 elses food sucks… cept auntie heidis… hers is good… lol… they have grape and orange kool-aid… my favorite thing besides jordans crystal lite stuff and mac and cheese
Now im just gonna sit on this bed in my cabin away from evry1 else who is driving me up a wall… and listen 2 my music… WML
7/16/2005 8:10 AM
After I got sick of my music I went back outside… REL was watchin a movie in the cabin so I went over 2 auntie heidi’s and uncle dave’s porch… we hung out up there and were waiting 4 aunt chris 2 get back so we could play cards… but while we were waiting we enjoyed eating and drinking all of ther food… lol
Then when aunt chris got back we all went down 2 the tent and started playing cards… it was soo long… REL and I were laughing so hard about the stupid things in Napolean Dynamite… it was hilarious… and uncle dave was giving us star bursts if we made him laugh… it was great… buy the 4th hand of the game… evry1 was so sick of playing that we all just called it quits and went 2 bed
I had such a bad headache and sore throat that I actually took medicine!! Yah I kno… it was awful… but mom drugged me down so that I could sleep for awhile… we went 2 bed @ like 11 and I was out right away from that medicine but I woke up around 2 and could not fall back asleep it hurt so bad… I think its strep… then I fell back asleep @ 6… and then omi woke all of us up @ 6:40… so that was pretty useless
Then I came over here and my mom was still sleeping… which is crazy cuz she gets up really early every day… but w/e… so I woke her up… and told her I think I have strep… so she got up and looked… she doesn’t think its strep but we’re gonna get it looked @ just 2 make sure… so yah… then I laid down on the bed
When my cuzins left I went out there and looked 4 my phone cuz I dropped it last night and idk wher!!... then I said all my good byes and I love yous… and they were on their way
Now im waiting 4 tom 2 get outta the shower so I can go in there and brush my teeth… then we r gonna run in2 town and get groceries and stuff 4 my strep… yay… then when we come back my step sisters should b back… then uncle dave is going 2 take us tubing… and then THE BOYZ WILL B HERE… wooo hooo… and yes I have 2 remember 2 call morgan bcuz its her birthday
WML… now I will listen 2 my music some more… lol
7/16/2005 11:01 PM
We went 2 the grocery store and got a hole lotta good food… I love vacation cuz that’s tha only time I get 2 have good food unless its summer @ TAP cuz we need it 4 lunches otherwise I don’t get ne of it... and I got a veterans flower… its awesome… I laced it in2 my sunglasses
Then tom went 2 pamida but they didn’t have ne box fans and we needed 1 cuz its bloody hott so we had 2 go 2 ace hardware… and we spent like 20 minutes in thurr cuz my mom cant help herself… it’s a cool store
Then we came back and went in the lake cuz it was totally hott… and we talked about the whole Mexican thing with rebekah… theyre were mixed opinions on that one... but in the water we just chilled and ann n rach got there around noon… and they came in 2 we were still chillin in the water when george got hurr but I got relly cold so I got out cuz I cant stand being cold… it just makes me sick… so I got dressed n went back down 2 the beach and listened 2 music… and then dan came and then matt #2… and then matt #1… so I was sitting on the dock talking 2 all their parents and it was pretty funny… the I called morgan and talked 2 her since its her bday… cept im in the middle of nowhere out hurr… and it dropped the call… so that sucked… but yah… I called her
Then I went back down n talked 2 their parents again till mom called me in 4 dinner so I went up and had 2 tacos and then went back down… they all went swimming but I couldn’t cuz I had 2 go 2 the store… but then I ended up not going… cuz I went in the water cuz my bro was bein a bunholio and splashing me with the water bottle
So I went in the water and it was so much fun… we tried 2 flip the raft… but it just sunk ½ way and we all fell in… but it was great… then we talked about where we lived…and school… and just being stupid… but then ther were a lotta bugs and it was getting cold so we all got out… so I took a shower and put on jeans and a t-shirt
I went back down 2 the beach and we were blowin stuff up with fireworks… frogs, fish, u name it we blew it up… then matt, george, and dan tried 2 make the broken chair a recliner… and it didn’t work 2 well… and matt got yelled @... 4 bein stupid… but they did it neway… then they had jousting competitions and it was hilarious cuz they made spears and omg was it funny
Then it started 2 lightening and thunder so we decided that if it was gonna rain that we were gonna have movie night… that was a blast… we watched remember the titans… love that movie… me n Lukas brought snacks… and we went 2 georges cabin… it was great… on the couch from left 2 right was matt #1, me, erin, and dan… well george was so high on caffine cuz he kept warmies… so evrytime sum1 would get off the couch he’d sit there and keep it warm… it was hilarious… then we locked Lukas in the bathroom like 2 times cuz he was being annoying… plus it was so hott in that cabin that we had 2 fan rselves with magazines!!... I kept staring @ george and feeling his leg with my foot cuz it was so annoying 2 him… it was hilarious… then hed do it back and id yell rape… lol… then we went thru the People magazine and looked 4 hott ppl which there were none of ecept Eva Mendez… shes so pretty… I wish I looked like her… worlds hottest woman… lucky!... yah so we barely watched ne of tha movie… cuz we were screwin around… georges mom kept yellin @ him and Lukas… it was funny… and I got 2 wear matts hat… yay… lol… I love wearin other pplz hats… I think that Erin likes Dan… a lil age difference like 3 yrs… but he totally likes her… hmm this could get intresting
So now im layin on my BED… yes BED… with the lightest clothes on that I can find cuz since it rained its gonna get humid now and I don’t have a fan… so in simple English… im gonna die!! Im gonna sleep so long 2moro they mite think im dead… lol… im not getting up early… that’s just sick… lol… but really I was thinking about how much im gonna miss them when im back in GB @ TAP… but hey… I guess… its life… none of its perfect… but I did find out that they all have AIM so I can talk 2 em online!! Wooo hooo
7/17/2005 1:37 PM
This morning I got up n had breakfast… then I went down 2 the lake where all tha guyz n my bro were… I sat on the dock till Erin said that I had 5 minutes 2 put my swimsuit on… but I didn’t wanna go swimming and my mom saved me by telling me that I had 2 flip the boat 2 ski mode… so I did… then after 5 minutes Erin yelled @ me… but I was done flippin tha boat…then I went n got my swimsuit on… and then sat on the dock again and watched the boyz play king of the raft… and it was very entertaining… dan won most of the time… the toms daughters came out and we got on the boat… but carol was sad cuz she couldn’t come with… but then I said later and she said k that’s fine… then george and I did the hand thingys (inside joke)…
So we went tubing… oldest 2 youngest… it was great… but sooo choppy… as bad as lake michigan… so my first trip was ok but not fast enough… then toms hat fell off… so we tried 2 find it but we didn’t… then I went again and this time I was a lil more daring so I told him 2 go faster and it wasn’t fast enough so I said faster and I dumped right out from unexpected waves… then I got back in the tube and we went on another turn full blast and I fell right out… lol… but I accomplished my goal… yay
Then I had lunch and when I was done I couldn’t find ne of the guys or chicks… so its weird… ther either gone or avoiding me lolol… I think theyr gone
So ill go back ouside n w8 4 em 2 come back… WML
7/17/2005 6:24 PM
I went swimming 4 awhile with the guys n erin… but it got cold and I had a headache so I got out
The I came 2 the cabin and I was so tired and my head hurt so bad that I just laid in my bed… wet and everything… and I ended up sleeping 4 2 hrs… yah I kno wow
I got up and sat on the dock 4 awhile but then the guys got out of the water so I came back up 2 the cabin 4 something 2 drink and then I saw them blowing up more stuff with fireworks and I went n watched em… we were blowin up everything… shoes, candles, u name it… then we had roman candle fights… lol… george was yelling @ me 4 staring @ him which I wasn’t… then they were bein mean 2 lukas again… they don’t like him… so they kicked him off the porch
Then we had dinner… big star burgers!!!!!... my favorite… we just talked and then I left
I went and took a shower and now im waitin 4 my hair 2 dry… so yah… WML
7/17/2005 10:55 PM
Erin n the guys came over here just when I got done doin my hair… and theyr like uhh were gonna watch a movie here… so im like uhh what… and they said yah… and im like umm my sis is watchin TV… so we went over 2 matt #2s house… the livin room was really small tho… so I had 2 sit in a chair… until we decided 2 pull out the couch bed… and we all sat on that… while we watched dumb and dumber… erin kept hittin george with a pillow and telling him that it was me… lol and ne time hed move hed get yelled @ cuz we couldn’t c behind him
After that I went 2 c what my mom was doing and they were playin cards… so I left… cuz it was boring
Then we made a fire… and the boys were being stupid again and kept throwing fire works in the fire… it was hilarious… but I thought we were gonna die… lol… then matt #1 brought out the smore stuff… yumm… george stole all of the chocolate tho… I was wearin matts #1s hat until he stole it back… lol… then they were catching frogs but I didn’t wanna so I went up back by my mom 4 awhile… but they hurted my head so I went back down 2 the fire… and we sat around listening 2 the remember the titans soundtrack and talking about colleges… erin wants 2 b an elementary teacher… and carol wants 2 be something with environmental sciences… so I thought that was cool
Then mom called me up so I had 2 go… I don’t feel good @ all but I hate taking medicine so I refuse 2 take anything… so now im gonna listen 2 my music which is getting REALLY old… but yah… and I will start plotting my revenge on BWAYA
7/18/2005 5:17 PM
Mom woke me up @ 8:30 4 breakfast… auntie heidi made biscuits and gravy but I don’t like that so I had cereal
Then we got dressed n went 2 the flee market… I didn’t find anything so I didn’t spend ne of my $... lukas got an air soft gun… its pretty sweet
I asked mom if we could go 2 the tshirt store cuz I still wanted 2 get morgan a birthday present… but then mom gave me the perfect idea… since she cant b here make her an Eagle River tshirt… so that’s what I did… yah… yay… its pretty cool tho I wanted one and mom said no… @ that store I fell in love with this sweatshirt that was there… I asked mom if I could have it and she said no but I conned her in2 letting me have it… cept there were no smalls or mediums… only a Large… but I liked the sweatshirt so much that I garunteed my mom that the sweatshirt would shrink to my size… so we will c… on the front it has an eagle river decal and on the back it has my name and my bball #... 10
Then we came back and had lunch… after that I put my sweatshirt on and went down 2 the beach… me n erin n carol sat with the parents and talked about school mostly… then we went down by the guys who were in the water… it was great… I got pictures
Then the boys were teaming up on my brother and trying 2 take his air soft gun but they didn’t… then they had 2 go 4 dinner… so me n erin read the People magazine… it was fun
Then I came up here n my step sisters were back… so I looked @ all the cool stuff that they bought… they have really nice taste
Now im waiting 4 dinner… WML
7/18/2005 11:23 PM
so after dinner the guys were gone watching a movie so i did my fave thing ever... sat on my bed and listened 2 music... then i got sick of it... so i went down by the fire wher the guys were...
then we decided 2 play football... in the sand... yes the sand... i got clothespinned and tackled by george... sheesh... lol... it was the bomb tho... like so much fun... and the big black running back, jamar, aka JR... is so good... lolol... and sammy is a good cheerleader
then the guys were sweaty so they jumped in the lake with their clothes on... then it started raining... lol... so then they got out and went and sat by the fire again... that was fun... we talked about all kindsa stuff... and i broke georges toe and stole his chair... lolol... then i said good nite and good bye and that was the end...
~~~** so that was my vacatoin... not wonderful... but not hell either... **~~~
S0o0 we were drivin in tha truck up 2 eagle river and its sooo hott… omg… and this truck doesn’t have a/c… so was like dying… yah so I listened 2 my cd player… but then it died cuz I used all the batteries @ TAP yesterday… and I didn’t bring ne batteries… yah duh… I kno… then we got a sweet tooth so we went 2 this dairy queen in antigo… well we went thru the drive thru so we wouldn’t have 2 get out… but it was the lamest drive thru ive ever seen… it was like a U shaped thing… u order on the rite side… and then drive in the U pattern till pick up… I swear it was sooooo strange… so we came up with a new redneck joke… “u kno it’s a redneck city when the dairy queen doesn’t have a real drive thru…
So now we r still drivin… about an hr left… so me n ange r chillin n listein 2 music (brandons cd) on the lap top… cuz I am o so brilliant… hehe… u kno it… wml
7/14/2005 10:02 AM
Now I will rite about yesterday… @ the moment I am laying on the beach in my orange bikini getting tan and writin this on moms laptop… its really hot 2day so I should get a pretty nice tan this week… yay!!... so anyway
Yesterday after we got here… ange and I went up 2 auntie heidis deck and we talked 2 her cuz my bro n the rest of my cuzins were tubin with my aunt deb… s0o we just chatted… its not fair… she has a bigger bruise than me… its sooo pretty!!... I also found out that my brother stepped on a bee… the only 1 that didn’t was REL… so now im scared cuz im allergic and I don’t wanna step on one!!!... ahhh
Soo when they got back from tubing my mom n I went over 2 omis and we chilled @ her house and I watched REL and omi play cards… then this lady that idk came and every1 started freaking out… and im like uhh who r u… lol…
After that lady left… we were playin hand and foot with pairs… me n REL… Lukas n rebekah… angela n Andrew… while omi was making dinner so we kept taste testing lol… nice way 2 try the food b4 ne1 else!
Then @ dinner auntie heidi made viel… id never had it b4 so I was kinda scared… lol… so my bro n I ended up splitting one and it was actually really good…
After dinner auntie chris, opa, rebekah, and Lukas all had 2 go in the water and jump off the raft cuz their team lost in mini golf… so that was pretty funny… that made ever1 else wanna go in the water… soo I didn’t want 2 but omi told me that I should… so I went… and I got yelled @ cuz I have a 2 piece swimsuit and its not modest… comon im 14 yrs old!!!!!!!! Geeze… its not like im a whore or something… wow… yah well we had fun ne way… we were playin keep off the raft… boys vs girls… we lost really bad… but only cuz they have peter lol… every1 else got cold so they got out… cept 4 me REL n rebekah… so we just screwed around till we got cold… so then we went in 2
I went in and dried off and then went 2 omis with REL and we watched a chick flick, romance movie… it wasn’t that bad… but not my type… it was called SABRINA
When it was over I went out by the fire and talked 2 bryan and marks mom about Washington DC… that was fun… but then I got tired so I went in2 the cabin
Angela and I had 2 share the pull out couch bed and REL slept on a mattress on the floor… it was sooo hott… but then a round 3 am it got sooo cold… so we had 2 get up and shut the windows… it was really bad tho cuz u kno how I have sleep problems… yah well I heard this really bad demonic song and I kept getting these horrible flashes and couldn’t sleep… it was really bad
Ill wml… but 4 now ill soak up the sun… ;-)…
7/14/2005 1:03 PM
So im gonna write about this morning rite now while its fresh on my mind… otherwise u kno me and my stml ill 4get everything lol
After I got sick of laying on the beach I went and asked tom if hed take me tubing… and he said sure in a lil bit… so I sat in the tube on the dock while he went and warmed up the boat…
When he came back me, Lukas, angela, peter, rebekah, and john all went tubing… me n pete went first… it was @ full blast but not very bumpy and we didn’t fall out… then angela and rebekah went followed by Lukas and john… john didn’t like the ride @ all… he kept saying slower when Lukas was saying faster… then pete and I went again… now tom got daring… he tried 2 tip us out… but we held on tite… he did V8s and took us over r own waves… lol… I swore that we were gonna tip… then one time we went from one side of the wake to the other… but not by skidding across water… it was airborne… it was scary but a total and complete blast… after rebekah and angela went Lukas and john went again… and then we went back 2 the dock… Lukas got yelled @ cuz he didn’t bring the tube back and he was being a smart-alec… but hey that’s Lukas… so he got in trubble and me, mom, pete, and rebekah went and took tom skiing… hes really good @ it… it was very entertaining… I have pictures… lolol
Then we came back to the dock and evry1 was in the water so I figured… hey why not… so I went in 2… rebekah was like stalking me tho so I got out cuz it got old after awhile…
Now im sitting in the kitchen of my cabin waiting 4 the water 2 boil 4 my mac and cheese… yummy… lol
7/14/2005 5:08 PM
So I made my mac and cheese and it was delicious as normal… my mom said I had 2 eat a hot dog 2 so I made it taste better by chopping it up and putting it in with my mac and cheese… it actually wasn’t that bad… so yea I took my food down 2 the lake and 8 it on the dock so I could talk 2 evry1 else that was out ther
After that I went back in the water and rebekah was being annoying again… lol… it’s the age… I was that way 2… just not as bad… I hope… lol well anyway… pete got her off me 4 a sec and I ran 4 it… but I decided that I didn’t wanna stay in the house so I took the lap top and brandons CD and went and laid on the back of the boat… and tanned my back… its pretty now… not white nemore… well hey I was workin on the front all summer so far… so this week ill do both but mostly back so its not white… lol… that must look strange… tan front… and total white back… hehe
So yeah I was layin out there 4 like an hr and a ½ … it was so bloody hot tho that I kept sweatin off all the Gatorade I drank… so that wasn’t good… and then I got dehydrated and I got one of those dehydration migranes… so I went in and took a shower
My shower was really cold… on purpose… it felt soooo good on my hot bod… I got out n got dressed n then tried 2 find my mom… but she was @ the store… so I couldn’t talk 2 her… so I called her celly but she didn’t answer that either… so I just waited and about evry 10 minutes id call again… well when I finally got her… she was @ the hospital looking 4 omi… but omi wasn’t there etiehr… so she came home… but it was too late 4 her 2 get what I wanted @ the store… so I had 2 wait
When my mom came home… REL and Auntie Heidi wanted to know if I wanted to go to the store… so I said sure
7/15/2005 9:10 AM
So REL, Auntie Heidi and I went 2 the Flour Sack… it’s a food store… with all these exotic things in it… it was awesome… but we went there with only a ½ hr b4 closing so we had 2 hurry it up… we found all these really cool things and things ive never seen b4… auntie heidi being a chef and all found SOOO much stuff… after that we went 2 the candy store bcuz we needed 2 get sugar free chocolate for Auntie Sally who is watching Auntie Heidis flowers… REL got fizz 4 her locker cuz theyre not allowed 2 have food in class and she can put those in her pocket and slip them in2 her mouth… after that we figured that we had 2 get something 2 eat bcuz the boys were out shooting and trapping and wouldn’t b home till 8… so we went thru the mc donalds drive thru… it was amazing tho how REL and I eat exatly the same thing exatly the same way… we both got #11s… plain… with a soda and fries… I eat my burger first, then my fries, and then drink my soda… so does REL… it was so strange… then we were driving back and this lady had a real squirrel on her shoulder… kinda scary actually
When we got back my mom, tom, n bro were already fishing so I figgered… well y not… lets play cards… so we did… we played hand and foot… me n REL against auntie heidi and aunt chris… it was fun… REL and I kicked major booty! Then we played a 2nd game… the teams were me n REL, tante heidi and rebekah, and peter and uncle dave… it was the longest game ever… and I was sooo annoyed cuz I had 2 sit next 2 rebekah and if u no me u no I don’t like being touched and I need my personal space and clingy ppl just bug me… yah well rebekah would not get off… she was hanging all over me… and it suckd
After we finally got done… I went out 2 the fire… but evry1 was leavin cuz it was late… so im like uhhh well that sucks… so I went up 2 r cabin… got my PJs on and headed over 2 omis
I think that sleeping was even worse than the night b4… angela insisted that rebekah sleep with me n her on the couch bed that fits 2 ppl… yah well 2 ppl and we had 3 on it… it was not pretty… they kept teamin up on me and takin all the covers… so I was really cold… and I don’t sleep good unless im super hott… soo it wasn’t good
This morning they tried 2 wake me up WAYY 2 early so I just yelled @ em and turned around and went back 2 bed… then when they all left… I got up and had breakfast with Omi… it was really nice… we had some interesting convos 2… 1 about discrimination and another about her immigration here… I love her stories
Now im just staying out of the way bcuz I have a headache and I don’t feel good and if sum1 says sumthin 2 me I will prolly kill them
I need more sleep… but its 2 late now… maybe ill try 2 take a power nap later or something… im not relly sure yet… omg I wonder if george comes 2moro!!
7/15/2005 1:59 PM
I went outside n flipped the boat from fishing mode 2 ski mode and then laid on the boat… but it was so incredibally hot that I was dying… so I went back 2 the cabin and laid on the bed with a fan blowing on me
My mom came back from the store and then I went back outside… I laid on the boat 4 another 10 minutes until I realized that I was going 2 kill myself… so I just jumped in2 the water
We hung out in the water 4 a coupla hrs… we even had 2 major water balloon fights… it was a blast… then I got out and went 2 make me a sandwich… but we had no bread so I was screwed… then I decided that I had 2 eat something so I was going 2 make an egg-mc-compton… but we had no eggs… so I just gave up and made an egg-mc-compton without eggs… lol… it was good
Then I went and sat on the dock and watched evry1else swim… but I got hot once again so I went 2 lay on the boat while it was nice and high… so I grabbed my moms laptop and went on the boat… but when I got there… to my surprise… after “charging” the laptop all day long… it wasn’t plugged in2 the wall… so now I have 2 wait 4 it 2 charge b4 I can go lay on the boat… yay
7/15/2005 4:22 PM
Well this lap top didn’t charge fast enough so I just went out and laid on the boat… I fell asleep 4 like 5 minutes… yay… lol… awesome… but hey it made me feel better
Then I went in and took a nice cold shower 2 get ready 4 dinner
We 8 @ like 3… steaks and other stuff… it was really good… I also found out that George, JR, Matt, John, and Dan are all coming… :’-( that sucks cuz I have 2 go home early this week 4 6 flags… but I guess you gotta take the good with the bad… smile when your sad… forgive and forget… and remember life goes on… !! my favorite quote… but yeah its still really sad… oh well I guess… yah so they come after 1:00 2moro… cant wait!!
After dinner I came back up 2 the cabin n listened 2 music and typed this… I also typed every single word from 1,2 step… which is a great song… and then I did the dance 2 it… yay… fun fun fun
I love Ciara!! She’s great
… WML…
7/15/2005 6:15 PM
Ok I am a pretty tolerant person but after awhile everything gets annoying… I mean I am used 2 my normal schedule… and I don’t like breaking it… well there r just 2 many ppl here 4 me 2 handle… and they r sucking up all my air… lol… I have asthma and ther r so many of em all over tha place that I cant breathe…
So after I got sick of my music I went outside n sat by my mom n her possi and then they had some really strange convos so I left and went n sat by uncle dave but he was just staring in2 space so then I went back by my mom and got 2 b bartender again… she owes me $! REL and I left when we realized that ther was no more of r family members left lol we were eavesdropping on random pplz convos… lolol
Then they were teasing me cuz im gonna b sad when I have 2 leave on Tuesday cuz george, matt, john, n dan will still b here… I totally denied it but I was thinking heck yeah I will… then they were teasing me cuz even tho im gonna miss all the guys up in eagle river that I will b in heaven with the guys at TAP… lol… we shall c about that one
2moro my step sisters come… im excited… I haven’t seen them since… umm early april when I got my hair highlighted… loooong time ago… so yah that will b fun… and my mom is finally gonna go grocery shopping… geeze… evry1 elses food sucks… cept auntie heidis… hers is good… lol… they have grape and orange kool-aid… my favorite thing besides jordans crystal lite stuff and mac and cheese
Now im just gonna sit on this bed in my cabin away from evry1 else who is driving me up a wall… and listen 2 my music… WML
7/16/2005 8:10 AM
After I got sick of my music I went back outside… REL was watchin a movie in the cabin so I went over 2 auntie heidi’s and uncle dave’s porch… we hung out up there and were waiting 4 aunt chris 2 get back so we could play cards… but while we were waiting we enjoyed eating and drinking all of ther food… lol
Then when aunt chris got back we all went down 2 the tent and started playing cards… it was soo long… REL and I were laughing so hard about the stupid things in Napolean Dynamite… it was hilarious… and uncle dave was giving us star bursts if we made him laugh… it was great… buy the 4th hand of the game… evry1 was so sick of playing that we all just called it quits and went 2 bed
I had such a bad headache and sore throat that I actually took medicine!! Yah I kno… it was awful… but mom drugged me down so that I could sleep for awhile… we went 2 bed @ like 11 and I was out right away from that medicine but I woke up around 2 and could not fall back asleep it hurt so bad… I think its strep… then I fell back asleep @ 6… and then omi woke all of us up @ 6:40… so that was pretty useless
Then I came over here and my mom was still sleeping… which is crazy cuz she gets up really early every day… but w/e… so I woke her up… and told her I think I have strep… so she got up and looked… she doesn’t think its strep but we’re gonna get it looked @ just 2 make sure… so yah… then I laid down on the bed
When my cuzins left I went out there and looked 4 my phone cuz I dropped it last night and idk wher!!... then I said all my good byes and I love yous… and they were on their way
Now im waiting 4 tom 2 get outta the shower so I can go in there and brush my teeth… then we r gonna run in2 town and get groceries and stuff 4 my strep… yay… then when we come back my step sisters should b back… then uncle dave is going 2 take us tubing… and then THE BOYZ WILL B HERE… wooo hooo… and yes I have 2 remember 2 call morgan bcuz its her birthday
WML… now I will listen 2 my music some more… lol
7/16/2005 11:01 PM
We went 2 the grocery store and got a hole lotta good food… I love vacation cuz that’s tha only time I get 2 have good food unless its summer @ TAP cuz we need it 4 lunches otherwise I don’t get ne of it... and I got a veterans flower… its awesome… I laced it in2 my sunglasses
Then tom went 2 pamida but they didn’t have ne box fans and we needed 1 cuz its bloody hott so we had 2 go 2 ace hardware… and we spent like 20 minutes in thurr cuz my mom cant help herself… it’s a cool store
Then we came back and went in the lake cuz it was totally hott… and we talked about the whole Mexican thing with rebekah… theyre were mixed opinions on that one... but in the water we just chilled and ann n rach got there around noon… and they came in 2 we were still chillin in the water when george got hurr but I got relly cold so I got out cuz I cant stand being cold… it just makes me sick… so I got dressed n went back down 2 the beach and listened 2 music… and then dan came and then matt #2… and then matt #1… so I was sitting on the dock talking 2 all their parents and it was pretty funny… the I called morgan and talked 2 her since its her bday… cept im in the middle of nowhere out hurr… and it dropped the call… so that sucked… but yah… I called her
Then I went back down n talked 2 their parents again till mom called me in 4 dinner so I went up and had 2 tacos and then went back down… they all went swimming but I couldn’t cuz I had 2 go 2 the store… but then I ended up not going… cuz I went in the water cuz my bro was bein a bunholio and splashing me with the water bottle
So I went in the water and it was so much fun… we tried 2 flip the raft… but it just sunk ½ way and we all fell in… but it was great… then we talked about where we lived…and school… and just being stupid… but then ther were a lotta bugs and it was getting cold so we all got out… so I took a shower and put on jeans and a t-shirt
I went back down 2 the beach and we were blowin stuff up with fireworks… frogs, fish, u name it we blew it up… then matt, george, and dan tried 2 make the broken chair a recliner… and it didn’t work 2 well… and matt got yelled @... 4 bein stupid… but they did it neway… then they had jousting competitions and it was hilarious cuz they made spears and omg was it funny
Then it started 2 lightening and thunder so we decided that if it was gonna rain that we were gonna have movie night… that was a blast… we watched remember the titans… love that movie… me n Lukas brought snacks… and we went 2 georges cabin… it was great… on the couch from left 2 right was matt #1, me, erin, and dan… well george was so high on caffine cuz he kept warmies… so evrytime sum1 would get off the couch he’d sit there and keep it warm… it was hilarious… then we locked Lukas in the bathroom like 2 times cuz he was being annoying… plus it was so hott in that cabin that we had 2 fan rselves with magazines!!... I kept staring @ george and feeling his leg with my foot cuz it was so annoying 2 him… it was hilarious… then hed do it back and id yell rape… lol… then we went thru the People magazine and looked 4 hott ppl which there were none of ecept Eva Mendez… shes so pretty… I wish I looked like her… worlds hottest woman… lucky!... yah so we barely watched ne of tha movie… cuz we were screwin around… georges mom kept yellin @ him and Lukas… it was funny… and I got 2 wear matts hat… yay… lol… I love wearin other pplz hats… I think that Erin likes Dan… a lil age difference like 3 yrs… but he totally likes her… hmm this could get intresting
So now im layin on my BED… yes BED… with the lightest clothes on that I can find cuz since it rained its gonna get humid now and I don’t have a fan… so in simple English… im gonna die!! Im gonna sleep so long 2moro they mite think im dead… lol… im not getting up early… that’s just sick… lol… but really I was thinking about how much im gonna miss them when im back in GB @ TAP… but hey… I guess… its life… none of its perfect… but I did find out that they all have AIM so I can talk 2 em online!! Wooo hooo
7/17/2005 1:37 PM
This morning I got up n had breakfast… then I went down 2 the lake where all tha guyz n my bro were… I sat on the dock till Erin said that I had 5 minutes 2 put my swimsuit on… but I didn’t wanna go swimming and my mom saved me by telling me that I had 2 flip the boat 2 ski mode… so I did… then after 5 minutes Erin yelled @ me… but I was done flippin tha boat…then I went n got my swimsuit on… and then sat on the dock again and watched the boyz play king of the raft… and it was very entertaining… dan won most of the time… the toms daughters came out and we got on the boat… but carol was sad cuz she couldn’t come with… but then I said later and she said k that’s fine… then george and I did the hand thingys (inside joke)…
So we went tubing… oldest 2 youngest… it was great… but sooo choppy… as bad as lake michigan… so my first trip was ok but not fast enough… then toms hat fell off… so we tried 2 find it but we didn’t… then I went again and this time I was a lil more daring so I told him 2 go faster and it wasn’t fast enough so I said faster and I dumped right out from unexpected waves… then I got back in the tube and we went on another turn full blast and I fell right out… lol… but I accomplished my goal… yay
Then I had lunch and when I was done I couldn’t find ne of the guys or chicks… so its weird… ther either gone or avoiding me lolol… I think theyr gone
So ill go back ouside n w8 4 em 2 come back… WML
7/17/2005 6:24 PM
I went swimming 4 awhile with the guys n erin… but it got cold and I had a headache so I got out
The I came 2 the cabin and I was so tired and my head hurt so bad that I just laid in my bed… wet and everything… and I ended up sleeping 4 2 hrs… yah I kno wow
I got up and sat on the dock 4 awhile but then the guys got out of the water so I came back up 2 the cabin 4 something 2 drink and then I saw them blowing up more stuff with fireworks and I went n watched em… we were blowin up everything… shoes, candles, u name it… then we had roman candle fights… lol… george was yelling @ me 4 staring @ him which I wasn’t… then they were bein mean 2 lukas again… they don’t like him… so they kicked him off the porch
Then we had dinner… big star burgers!!!!!... my favorite… we just talked and then I left
I went and took a shower and now im waitin 4 my hair 2 dry… so yah… WML
7/17/2005 10:55 PM
Erin n the guys came over here just when I got done doin my hair… and theyr like uhh were gonna watch a movie here… so im like uhh what… and they said yah… and im like umm my sis is watchin TV… so we went over 2 matt #2s house… the livin room was really small tho… so I had 2 sit in a chair… until we decided 2 pull out the couch bed… and we all sat on that… while we watched dumb and dumber… erin kept hittin george with a pillow and telling him that it was me… lol and ne time hed move hed get yelled @ cuz we couldn’t c behind him
After that I went 2 c what my mom was doing and they were playin cards… so I left… cuz it was boring
Then we made a fire… and the boys were being stupid again and kept throwing fire works in the fire… it was hilarious… but I thought we were gonna die… lol… then matt #1 brought out the smore stuff… yumm… george stole all of the chocolate tho… I was wearin matts #1s hat until he stole it back… lol… then they were catching frogs but I didn’t wanna so I went up back by my mom 4 awhile… but they hurted my head so I went back down 2 the fire… and we sat around listening 2 the remember the titans soundtrack and talking about colleges… erin wants 2 b an elementary teacher… and carol wants 2 be something with environmental sciences… so I thought that was cool
Then mom called me up so I had 2 go… I don’t feel good @ all but I hate taking medicine so I refuse 2 take anything… so now im gonna listen 2 my music which is getting REALLY old… but yah… and I will start plotting my revenge on BWAYA
7/18/2005 5:17 PM
Mom woke me up @ 8:30 4 breakfast… auntie heidi made biscuits and gravy but I don’t like that so I had cereal
Then we got dressed n went 2 the flee market… I didn’t find anything so I didn’t spend ne of my $... lukas got an air soft gun… its pretty sweet
I asked mom if we could go 2 the tshirt store cuz I still wanted 2 get morgan a birthday present… but then mom gave me the perfect idea… since she cant b here make her an Eagle River tshirt… so that’s what I did… yah… yay… its pretty cool tho I wanted one and mom said no… @ that store I fell in love with this sweatshirt that was there… I asked mom if I could have it and she said no but I conned her in2 letting me have it… cept there were no smalls or mediums… only a Large… but I liked the sweatshirt so much that I garunteed my mom that the sweatshirt would shrink to my size… so we will c… on the front it has an eagle river decal and on the back it has my name and my bball #... 10
Then we came back and had lunch… after that I put my sweatshirt on and went down 2 the beach… me n erin n carol sat with the parents and talked about school mostly… then we went down by the guys who were in the water… it was great… I got pictures
Then the boys were teaming up on my brother and trying 2 take his air soft gun but they didn’t… then they had 2 go 4 dinner… so me n erin read the People magazine… it was fun
Then I came up here n my step sisters were back… so I looked @ all the cool stuff that they bought… they have really nice taste
Now im waiting 4 dinner… WML
7/18/2005 11:23 PM
so after dinner the guys were gone watching a movie so i did my fave thing ever... sat on my bed and listened 2 music... then i got sick of it... so i went down by the fire wher the guys were...
then we decided 2 play football... in the sand... yes the sand... i got clothespinned and tackled by george... sheesh... lol... it was the bomb tho... like so much fun... and the big black running back, jamar, aka JR... is so good... lolol... and sammy is a good cheerleader
then the guys were sweaty so they jumped in the lake with their clothes on... then it started raining... lol... so then they got out and went and sat by the fire again... that was fun... we talked about all kindsa stuff... and i broke georges toe and stole his chair... lolol... then i said good nite and good bye and that was the end...
~~~** so that was my vacatoin... not wonderful... but not hell either... **~~~
the weekly update
Sunday --- gma brought us home but mom wasnt here so we deided 2 go swimmin in the pool... we were in there 4evr b4 mom got there... but when she did we all got out and had lunch... gma went home n brandon came over... we went swimming and had pizza... it was a lot of fun
Monday --- TAP we went swimming and they tried 2 get who i like outta me... but i wouldnt tell them... HA!... we didnt have any cheese so i couldnt make a lunch!
Tuesday --- john came back!!!!!!!!!... it was fun... we went 2 the park and we were playin baseball... lindsey sucks soo bad... lolol jk... and jameson is even worse... he got it over the fence right behind him!... then we walked back but i didnt feel like goin 2 the pool... so we just hung out @ the site n listned 2 music n cleaned.... it was a blast
Wednesday --- ahhh 2day... how boring... i got up like umm 1/2 hr ago and im still really tired... we go on vacatoin 2day... i will b there till tuesday when my step sisters are bringing me back so i can go 2 6 flags with TAP... so this will b a long and boring 6 days... actually it will get better on Saturday when ~**~ GEORGE ~**~ comes... yay
s0o0o0o if u need me @ all when im gone u can call my celly but i most likely wont answer it cuz ive got better stuff 2 do.... just call me when i get home on tuesday... ill tell u all about it... it will b fun... lolol
Much Love,
~**~ BABe ~**~
Monday --- TAP we went swimming and they tried 2 get who i like outta me... but i wouldnt tell them... HA!... we didnt have any cheese so i couldnt make a lunch!
Tuesday --- john came back!!!!!!!!!... it was fun... we went 2 the park and we were playin baseball... lindsey sucks soo bad... lolol jk... and jameson is even worse... he got it over the fence right behind him!... then we walked back but i didnt feel like goin 2 the pool... so we just hung out @ the site n listned 2 music n cleaned.... it was a blast
Wednesday --- ahhh 2day... how boring... i got up like umm 1/2 hr ago and im still really tired... we go on vacatoin 2day... i will b there till tuesday when my step sisters are bringing me back so i can go 2 6 flags with TAP... so this will b a long and boring 6 days... actually it will get better on Saturday when ~**~ GEORGE ~**~ comes... yay
s0o0o0o if u need me @ all when im gone u can call my celly but i most likely wont answer it cuz ive got better stuff 2 do.... just call me when i get home on tuesday... ill tell u all about it... it will b fun... lolol
Much Love,
~**~ BABe ~**~
just me n my lil sis 2day @ my grandmas... interesting... and very VERY quiet w/o lukas... i h8 2 admit it but i miss him
so0o we got here and grandma was layin down 4 a nap so i checked my email and we watched TV
then she got up and we watched TV 4 another hr or so till we were hungry
we decided that we wanted 2 go 2 subway so we went on r way
its really sad when u r hungry enough 2 eat a foot long sub b4 ur sister can eat a 6 inch... lol... but its possible
it was so nice out so we didnt wanna go back 2 her house and so we went on a "sunday" drive... we pretty much just drove around 4 awhile and then we stopped and looked @ the 9/11 memorial @ the nevile musuem... its so pretty... they did a really nice job... after that we went driving again... and decided that we wanted 2 go 2 bay beach... so we went there and first thing we c r these 2 like 10 year olds holding hands... it was really strange... and then ther friends asked me what my name was... yea... but the weird thing was the girl wouldnt go on any of the rides but her bf would and he'd have his friend wait with his girlfriend... so it took angela and i like the whole time 2 figure out that the girl is prolly brothers with the 1 kid and is going out with his friend... lol... yes we r so sad
then we came back 2 the apartment and i finished workin on me n morgans blog which totally rox btw... 2sexy4urpotatoes.blogspot.com... yes yes yes... chek it out... its totally tubular
now ange and i r watchin MAD TV and chillin... actually i th ink shes asleep on the couch... lol... hmmm i need eric so he can lift her up and put her in bed... im not that strong... besides im such a clutz i cant even walk 10 feet without tripping... lol
so yea... ill b back home sumtime 2moro... but i plan 2 sleep pretty late... ive had like hmmm 10 hrs of sleep in the past 10 days??? yah around that
s0o0o good nite everyone and talk 2 yah in the AM
love alwaiiiiz [b][a][b][e]
so0o we got here and grandma was layin down 4 a nap so i checked my email and we watched TV
then she got up and we watched TV 4 another hr or so till we were hungry
we decided that we wanted 2 go 2 subway so we went on r way
its really sad when u r hungry enough 2 eat a foot long sub b4 ur sister can eat a 6 inch... lol... but its possible
it was so nice out so we didnt wanna go back 2 her house and so we went on a "sunday" drive... we pretty much just drove around 4 awhile and then we stopped and looked @ the 9/11 memorial @ the nevile musuem... its so pretty... they did a really nice job... after that we went driving again... and decided that we wanted 2 go 2 bay beach... so we went there and first thing we c r these 2 like 10 year olds holding hands... it was really strange... and then ther friends asked me what my name was... yea... but the weird thing was the girl wouldnt go on any of the rides but her bf would and he'd have his friend wait with his girlfriend... so it took angela and i like the whole time 2 figure out that the girl is prolly brothers with the 1 kid and is going out with his friend... lol... yes we r so sad
then we came back 2 the apartment and i finished workin on me n morgans blog which totally rox btw... 2sexy4urpotatoes.blogspot.com... yes yes yes... chek it out... its totally tubular
now ange and i r watchin MAD TV and chillin... actually i th ink shes asleep on the couch... lol... hmmm i need eric so he can lift her up and put her in bed... im not that strong... besides im such a clutz i cant even walk 10 feet without tripping... lol
so yea... ill b back home sumtime 2moro... but i plan 2 sleep pretty late... ive had like hmmm 10 hrs of sleep in the past 10 days??? yah around that
s0o0o good nite everyone and talk 2 yah in the AM
love alwaiiiiz [b][a][b][e]
Tha Partty
well the party with my hole family didnt turn out as bad as i thought it would
*-* REL n mom picked me up from TAP in the monte and we went home
-*- i watched REL's power point presentation and it was really sad... it made me cry... sad song, sad theme = tears... it just made me think of how fortunate we are to have all that we have and that there are people over there fighting for us while we just sit here and go on with our lives every single day
*-* then REL and i listened 2 country songs in my kitchen and sung to them as well
-*- after that i called my daddy like i said i would 2 tell him that i got home safe and tell him about my week @ camp... paul kept clicking the phone off and it was starting 2 tick me off
*-* then we had dinner... ribs... the spicy ones... my favorite... and i was really hungry... i didnt like the pasta salad but im not a pasta salad kinda person... so i just stuck with the ribs
-*- after dinner REL and i tested both of the desserts for cyanide... and they both tested negative... and were absolutely delicious
*-* i helped clear off the table and got my suit on... then i went swimming 4 like 3 hours... it was so refreshing and a blast... we were singing all kinds of songs and playing many games... it was fun... we even got tante heidi 2 come in my pouting 2 her
-*- my brother made me another orange kool-aid icee so i went inside 2 get it... i put some clothes on and then went outside and had a smore
*-* we were all very tired so we dragged all of our stuff out 2 the tent that we were sleeping in and got 2 bed... there werent enough pilliows or sleeping bags so that was kinda a prollem but we figred it out
-*- then when we all got situated my brother and rebekah would NOT stop talking it was redicuiois... then my mom came 2 check on us b4 she went 2 bed and she scared the crap outta them so they stopped... it was very very very funny tho
*-* then they finally shut up so i could go 2 bed
-*- in the morning i got up @ like 5 cuz the birds were so0o0o0 incredibally loud... but i decided 2 roll over and get back up @ 8:30
*-* i was eavesdropping on Rebekah talkin smack about her sister... i wonder if my brother and sister do that when im gone
-*- every1 was packing up when i got up so i threw clothes on and put a smile on my face 2 say good byes and see them off 2 eagle river
*-* and i hate 2 admit this already but hes only been gone 4 like 4 hours... but i miss my brother... its really lonely and quiet without him :-\
~*~* So yah it wasnt as bad as i thought but yes i woulda rather have been doin other things *~*~
Much Love,
Erika Marie
*-* REL n mom picked me up from TAP in the monte and we went home
-*- i watched REL's power point presentation and it was really sad... it made me cry... sad song, sad theme = tears... it just made me think of how fortunate we are to have all that we have and that there are people over there fighting for us while we just sit here and go on with our lives every single day
*-* then REL and i listened 2 country songs in my kitchen and sung to them as well
-*- after that i called my daddy like i said i would 2 tell him that i got home safe and tell him about my week @ camp... paul kept clicking the phone off and it was starting 2 tick me off
*-* then we had dinner... ribs... the spicy ones... my favorite... and i was really hungry... i didnt like the pasta salad but im not a pasta salad kinda person... so i just stuck with the ribs
-*- after dinner REL and i tested both of the desserts for cyanide... and they both tested negative... and were absolutely delicious
*-* i helped clear off the table and got my suit on... then i went swimming 4 like 3 hours... it was so refreshing and a blast... we were singing all kinds of songs and playing many games... it was fun... we even got tante heidi 2 come in my pouting 2 her
-*- my brother made me another orange kool-aid icee so i went inside 2 get it... i put some clothes on and then went outside and had a smore
*-* we were all very tired so we dragged all of our stuff out 2 the tent that we were sleeping in and got 2 bed... there werent enough pilliows or sleeping bags so that was kinda a prollem but we figred it out
-*- then when we all got situated my brother and rebekah would NOT stop talking it was redicuiois... then my mom came 2 check on us b4 she went 2 bed and she scared the crap outta them so they stopped... it was very very very funny tho
*-* then they finally shut up so i could go 2 bed
-*- in the morning i got up @ like 5 cuz the birds were so0o0o0 incredibally loud... but i decided 2 roll over and get back up @ 8:30
*-* i was eavesdropping on Rebekah talkin smack about her sister... i wonder if my brother and sister do that when im gone
-*- every1 was packing up when i got up so i threw clothes on and put a smile on my face 2 say good byes and see them off 2 eagle river
*-* and i hate 2 admit this already but hes only been gone 4 like 4 hours... but i miss my brother... its really lonely and quiet without him :-\
~*~* So yah it wasnt as bad as i thought but yes i woulda rather have been doin other things *~*~
Much Love,
Erika Marie
catchin up... yikez
welll ive been so busy lately... wow... heres what happened the past week
Tuesday 7/5 ---
*-* eric came 2 TAP!!! wahoo!!!
-*- we signed up all of r camp activities...
*-* went and mentored @ calvary SACC... i had 2 read books 2 this lil girl named Cassie... shes fun... and she likes me
-*- Me: OMG someone really really burnt ther popcorn
Jordan: OMG THATS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*-* went swimming and there was a strong current in the pool and it kept pulling me away
-*- me bj n eric played truth or dare in the pool... that turned out interesting
*-* then we made a list of things i needed 2 bring 2 camp
-*- eric and i have so many inside jokes... bj had no idea
*-* but then bj n eric made up a language and that wasnt cool cuz i didnt kno what they were talkin about... and i didnt like it
-*- mom picked me up @ NDA
*-* i went in2 SACC 2 get lukas and angela but the door wouldnt open and i looked really stupid cuz i was pulling on a door 4 like 5 minutes that said push on it... lol
Wednesday 7/6 ---
-*- mom woke me up n almost 4got 2 give me my $$ but i reminded her
*-* got 2 tap and laid on the couch like normal
-*- brandon n eric got there and we went n sit on "my" couch
*-* packed the bus and then left
-*- i sat with eric... we looked @ mags n listneded 2 music... eric broke his head phones
*-* we got there and hauled 2 stuff all th way 2 the cabins and then made it pretty with streamers and posters of guys
-*- 8 lunch in the earth lodge... that wall hurts ur back... nicole n lindsey were makin fun of me again... lol
*-* had cabin time and then stations
-*- we did target sports... omg that was so dangerous... but fun
*-* had more cabin time and then dinner... i was @ a table of all guys... suprise suprise
-*- cabin time and then store... i got suckers... then athletic field... we played teather ball... thats dangerous... eric n sparrow were gonna kill me... sheesh... lol... then we sat on the picnic table n chatted... eric the tennis ball @ dana lol
*-* cabin time and then capture the flag... woop woop... we rock... we won 2X in a row... yah baby... franklin rox... i dropped and lost both of my walkie talkies... yah im a clutz
-*- cabin time and bed... but lindsey snores so loud we were pretty much just laughing all night long... that and talkin about evan... thats all ne1 would talk about... omg it was sooo annoying
Thursday 7/7 ---
*-* got up, got dressed, chugged 24 oz of mountain dew 2 wake me up
-*- had breakfast n sat @ my table of all guyz again... they r so strange... so is cameron from what i heard... him and the shark... that was an interesting convo @ the table... it took me 25 minutes 2 eat 1 piece of toast
*-* cabin time and then tower... omg that was so scary... i hate rock climbing walls... they freak me out sooo bad... and my shorts were way tooo short 4 that... i got past my goal, just 4 dana... but it was still really really bad
-*- then i was a lunch waiter but i was late cuz the chica on the thing wouldnt get down... so i was running up 2 jordan and i tripped and totally wiped out... yah well i was bleeding and muddy... but it was fun... lol... my knee just hurted really bad
*-* @ lunch i was the sexiest waitress in the world... lol... work it... yah baby... hahahahahahahahHA... kristi sat @ r table of all guys... so we just kinda hung the convos low
-*- after lunch i didnt get 2 go 2 the box which was just fine with me... then awards and cabin time
*-* then i went 2 slippery rock... it was fun... i got 2 sit in the middle of the canoe while eric n sparrow paddled... it was scary... i hate canoes... we were way ahead but then we had 2 stop cuz cameron tipped his canoe again... so we just had 2 float 4 awhile... we still ended up there first... when we got i walked in with my clothes on which was stupid... and i sat on the wood... lol... then me n eric went n walked up stream but i fell down the rock and got really wet... and there was this REALLY huge spider... it looked like a tarantula... and it was scary... then we left and eric was playin soards with the life guard guy... that was entertaining... then we walked back 2 the canoes and i tripped like 10 times... the way back was scary tho cuz eric n sparrow kept splashing Dana and i kept getting wet and it was bad... i was also proud of myself cuz i thanked a green plant... LOL
-*- then i went back and changed clothes n got ready 4 dinnnner...
*-* @ dinner emily sat @ r table of all guys once again... lol..
-*- after dinner we had awards and then camp store... i got more suckers lol... me n eric sat on the bridge and i ate my suckers
*-* then we played the great escape... that was dangerous... but fun... i tripped like 10 times... but gotta whole bunch of ppl out... yay
-*- my cabin didnt wanna go 2 the bonfire but i wanted 2 so then a hole bunch more ppl did so staff let us go... me n eric sat on r bridge again... evan almost pushed me off but eric caught me... kristi makes me laugh
*-* then we went 2 bed but lindsey was snoring again so we had 2 drown her out with a fan on low... trish had an allergic reaction 2 the lake water... lol
Friday 7/8 ---
-*- kristi woke up way 2 late and it was really bad cuz the fan that we drowned lindsey out with also drowned out the wake up bell so we had like no time
*-* i super quickly got dressed and then went up 2 breakfast... we even beat the guys up there
-*- i sat @ my table of all guys again... and emily too... it was fun... i was hungry
*-* then we had cabin time and packing
-*- after that i went scavenger hunting with eric, sparrow, bwaya, jordan, burnthorn, ryan, n nicole... that was fun...we got the furthest... and we lost burnthorn... now that is talent... lol... bwaya n eric r like "BRANDON IF U COME UP HERE ERIKA WILL KISS U"... lol... im sooo glad that didnt happen... cuz i DEFINITELY DONT WANNA KISS BRANDON BURNTHORN.. eWwwww
*-* then we had shelter building and eric, spencer, bwaya, hank, lindsey, and uncle marcus were in my group... it was hard... and we lost cuz the other franklin group had a hold by their tree... big deal.. it was funny tho cuz the washington chica had hers fall on her head and she started crying
-*- after that was cabin time and then lunch... pizza... thomas was r waiter and he was soo good so he is my inspiration... lol... i sat @ the all guys table again... with Tim the staff @ it too
*-* then we had a final awards thingy... and back to cleaning and packing
-*- when i was done i hauled all of my stuff up 2 the bus... then me n lindsey cleaned the paper mache off the table 4 emily and carried the baskets back... then i walked up with the guys... eric n i sat @ the tiny table until the bus got there
*-* then we packed it... i sat with eric on the way back... we looked thru girly magazines 2 look 4 hott girls or guys... it was fun... lol
-*- when we got back i hung out with jameson till my mom n my cousin came... it was funny cuz she was driving my moms car... and i was afraid... but it was fun
and yah that was so totally tubular... sux 4 u if u werent there...
xoxox always n 4ever ~ erika ~
Tuesday 7/5 ---
*-* eric came 2 TAP!!! wahoo!!!
-*- we signed up all of r camp activities...
*-* went and mentored @ calvary SACC... i had 2 read books 2 this lil girl named Cassie... shes fun... and she likes me
-*- Me: OMG someone really really burnt ther popcorn
Jordan: OMG THATS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*-* went swimming and there was a strong current in the pool and it kept pulling me away
-*- me bj n eric played truth or dare in the pool... that turned out interesting
*-* then we made a list of things i needed 2 bring 2 camp
-*- eric and i have so many inside jokes... bj had no idea
*-* but then bj n eric made up a language and that wasnt cool cuz i didnt kno what they were talkin about... and i didnt like it
-*- mom picked me up @ NDA
*-* i went in2 SACC 2 get lukas and angela but the door wouldnt open and i looked really stupid cuz i was pulling on a door 4 like 5 minutes that said push on it... lol
Wednesday 7/6 ---
-*- mom woke me up n almost 4got 2 give me my $$ but i reminded her
*-* got 2 tap and laid on the couch like normal
-*- brandon n eric got there and we went n sit on "my" couch
*-* packed the bus and then left
-*- i sat with eric... we looked @ mags n listneded 2 music... eric broke his head phones
*-* we got there and hauled 2 stuff all th way 2 the cabins and then made it pretty with streamers and posters of guys
-*- 8 lunch in the earth lodge... that wall hurts ur back... nicole n lindsey were makin fun of me again... lol
*-* had cabin time and then stations
-*- we did target sports... omg that was so dangerous... but fun
*-* had more cabin time and then dinner... i was @ a table of all guys... suprise suprise
-*- cabin time and then store... i got suckers... then athletic field... we played teather ball... thats dangerous... eric n sparrow were gonna kill me... sheesh... lol... then we sat on the picnic table n chatted... eric the tennis ball @ dana lol
*-* cabin time and then capture the flag... woop woop... we rock... we won 2X in a row... yah baby... franklin rox... i dropped and lost both of my walkie talkies... yah im a clutz
-*- cabin time and bed... but lindsey snores so loud we were pretty much just laughing all night long... that and talkin about evan... thats all ne1 would talk about... omg it was sooo annoying
Thursday 7/7 ---
*-* got up, got dressed, chugged 24 oz of mountain dew 2 wake me up
-*- had breakfast n sat @ my table of all guyz again... they r so strange... so is cameron from what i heard... him and the shark... that was an interesting convo @ the table... it took me 25 minutes 2 eat 1 piece of toast
*-* cabin time and then tower... omg that was so scary... i hate rock climbing walls... they freak me out sooo bad... and my shorts were way tooo short 4 that... i got past my goal, just 4 dana... but it was still really really bad
-*- then i was a lunch waiter but i was late cuz the chica on the thing wouldnt get down... so i was running up 2 jordan and i tripped and totally wiped out... yah well i was bleeding and muddy... but it was fun... lol... my knee just hurted really bad
*-* @ lunch i was the sexiest waitress in the world... lol... work it... yah baby... hahahahahahahahHA... kristi sat @ r table of all guys... so we just kinda hung the convos low
-*- after lunch i didnt get 2 go 2 the box which was just fine with me... then awards and cabin time
*-* then i went 2 slippery rock... it was fun... i got 2 sit in the middle of the canoe while eric n sparrow paddled... it was scary... i hate canoes... we were way ahead but then we had 2 stop cuz cameron tipped his canoe again... so we just had 2 float 4 awhile... we still ended up there first... when we got i walked in with my clothes on which was stupid... and i sat on the wood... lol... then me n eric went n walked up stream but i fell down the rock and got really wet... and there was this REALLY huge spider... it looked like a tarantula... and it was scary... then we left and eric was playin soards with the life guard guy... that was entertaining... then we walked back 2 the canoes and i tripped like 10 times... the way back was scary tho cuz eric n sparrow kept splashing Dana and i kept getting wet and it was bad... i was also proud of myself cuz i thanked a green plant... LOL
-*- then i went back and changed clothes n got ready 4 dinnnner...
*-* @ dinner emily sat @ r table of all guys once again... lol..
-*- after dinner we had awards and then camp store... i got more suckers lol... me n eric sat on the bridge and i ate my suckers
*-* then we played the great escape... that was dangerous... but fun... i tripped like 10 times... but gotta whole bunch of ppl out... yay
-*- my cabin didnt wanna go 2 the bonfire but i wanted 2 so then a hole bunch more ppl did so staff let us go... me n eric sat on r bridge again... evan almost pushed me off but eric caught me... kristi makes me laugh
*-* then we went 2 bed but lindsey was snoring again so we had 2 drown her out with a fan on low... trish had an allergic reaction 2 the lake water... lol
Friday 7/8 ---
-*- kristi woke up way 2 late and it was really bad cuz the fan that we drowned lindsey out with also drowned out the wake up bell so we had like no time
*-* i super quickly got dressed and then went up 2 breakfast... we even beat the guys up there
-*- i sat @ my table of all guys again... and emily too... it was fun... i was hungry
*-* then we had cabin time and packing
-*- after that i went scavenger hunting with eric, sparrow, bwaya, jordan, burnthorn, ryan, n nicole... that was fun...we got the furthest... and we lost burnthorn... now that is talent... lol... bwaya n eric r like "BRANDON IF U COME UP HERE ERIKA WILL KISS U"... lol... im sooo glad that didnt happen... cuz i DEFINITELY DONT WANNA KISS BRANDON BURNTHORN.. eWwwww
*-* then we had shelter building and eric, spencer, bwaya, hank, lindsey, and uncle marcus were in my group... it was hard... and we lost cuz the other franklin group had a hold by their tree... big deal.. it was funny tho cuz the washington chica had hers fall on her head and she started crying
-*- after that was cabin time and then lunch... pizza... thomas was r waiter and he was soo good so he is my inspiration... lol... i sat @ the all guys table again... with Tim the staff @ it too
*-* then we had a final awards thingy... and back to cleaning and packing
-*- when i was done i hauled all of my stuff up 2 the bus... then me n lindsey cleaned the paper mache off the table 4 emily and carried the baskets back... then i walked up with the guys... eric n i sat @ the tiny table until the bus got there
*-* then we packed it... i sat with eric on the way back... we looked thru girly magazines 2 look 4 hott girls or guys... it was fun... lol
-*- when we got back i hung out with jameson till my mom n my cousin came... it was funny cuz she was driving my moms car... and i was afraid... but it was fun
and yah that was so totally tubular... sux 4 u if u werent there...
xoxox always n 4ever ~ erika ~
shout outz!
all the fellaz @ the camp ground 4th of july weekend... luv yah cutiez... hollr when ur comin 2 GB
Nathan -- u r sooo fast... geeze... u burned chlc n shes fast!! wow!! ur such an athlete... u should find a select team either soccer, bball, or fball... cuz ur awesome... and u so kno u like ur arms held behind ur backs right?? lolol... ur the greatest... and wahoo i got 2 wear ur hat!! yeeeah baby
Cody -- omg u r so shy!! y didnt u just give me that mouth guard thing... u kno u wanted 2... lolol... that 1 fball play in the dark really worked... the fake and sneak... yay... we're lucky chlc's fast tho or we woulda lost... and i appreciate u not waking me up lol
Jake -- no u can not have a dollar... ur just gonna take all my money... and u'll grow up 2 b a bank robber or something... i dont like ur gf... shes a snotty lil chica... lol... ur the bomb... and of couse, my fave... lol RITE... $1.. happy?
Ross -- oh yes... ur great... u rock my socks... that merry go round with u was a riot... CALL ME... and no u cant have a dollar... i only gave jake 1 cuz hes my favorite... not... lolol
Keith -- dont let ne1 tell u that u cant do something... u have my phone # in ur cell... lol... and yah i will get his autograph 4 u... JUST 4 U... lolol... talk 2 me on msn sumtime... and have fun @ those partys u p.i.m.p
David -- ahhh my blondie... ur awesome... thanks 4 that push... lol... and no, u cant have a dollar either... wanna dance with us??... no not really... lol... of course u did... we're not that scary... or are we??... hMmmmmm... good times good times
I miss u guys... we had such a great time... i'll never 4get ne of u... thankx 4 an awesome weekend... call me sum time or talk 2 me on MSN messenger...
my awesome weekend
so we went camping @ quiet woods north this weekend 4 the 4th of july... it was me, lukas, angela, angie, april, shaun, dad, and sue...
Friday :::
dad picked us up and we met sue @ woodmans... we readjusted all the luggage and stuff... then we bought ice 2 keep the sodas and food cold
every1 was hungry so b4 we even left town we went 2 arby's 4 a late lunch... i got a beef n chedder w/ curly fries and wild cherry pepsi... yummy
when we were all fat and happy we continued on the way up 2 sturgeon bay... it rocked... every1 was pumped
finally we got there and unpacked everything... set up the tents... and started dinner... dad and sue made dinner actually while me n the rest of the kidz went 4 a walk down by the lake... @ first we went down the wrong way and got really lost but then we got back on track... we were gone 4 about n hour b4 we got there... the boys gave up and told me that i didnt kno where i was going when i really did... losers... so it was just me n the chicas... so we finally got there and we sat on the pier... welll it was really really windy and it made u tipsy cuz it was shaking... they didnt like that very much so we just sat on the benches and rested r legs... then we left... on the way back we picked up the boys who were skipping rox and brought them back with us
we got back and then had dinner... it was getting colder tho so i put on a pair of pants and a jacket and went up 2 the park... i sat on a swing till i saw nicole... i hung out with her 4 awhile and then we went back 2 the campsite... we pretty much just chilled by the fire... had some smores and went 2 bed
Saturday :::
got up and was still really tired... im not used 2 sleepin on the floor... but it wasnt as bad as i thought... i still had awhile till dad was done with breakfast so i went down 2 the showers and got right in... there was no1 there... thats a huge suprise... well actually not... cuz when i got in i found out that there was no more hot water... i swear that was the coldest shower ive ever taken EVER!! it sucked... but hey i lived
then i got out and got dressed and all pretttied up n went back 2 the campsite
dad was just done with my breakfast so i sat down n ate it... it was delicious as usual... my dad is such a good cook...
me n the boyz went up 2 the bball courts 4 awhile till they had 2 go take showers... it was great... we had a contest 2 c who could get the most free throws in a row... of course... i won... lolol jk... yah i got 8 in a row... then we had 2 go...
i sat around while the boys took showers and just waited 4 them 2 come back... when they came backevery1 sat around the fire and decided what we wanted 2 do
we decided that we wanted 2 go check out the town and Door Counry... so thats what we did... we went up 2 fish creek and looked where they were having the fire works incase we wanted 2 go up there later...
we didnt have lunch cuz we went 2 this cherry orchard where they had all these free samples so we just ate a bunch of those... lol... then we bought some stuff and left
well my bro wanted 2 have some ice cream so we went 2 this really really weird ice cream place where u can c em milk the cows and then play games... yah well 4 every1 that goes 2 my school... they had 1 of those brett favre things there... and u kno how it scares me... well this one ran in2 me... actually i think i ran in2 it... but still... it was scary... i measured me and i havent grownded :'-(... im sooo short... oh well i guess... i need a tall bf... lol... anway after i nocked brett over... i got ice cream... chocolate ice cream... it was the best chocolate ice cream ever.. its 2 die 4... yummy... then i ate it and we left
sooo we were drivin home but the van needed gas and around the hi way it was $2.56 or something... so they're like screw that... lets go in2 town... so thats what they did... and they stopped @ the gas station and were filling the van with gas... sue was washing the windows but it was very entertaining because she is so short and she could barely reach 1/2 way across the windshield... lol... then when she cleaned my brothers window he put his butt right 2 it... but the moron he is... didnt notice that the windows were tinted
when the gas tank was full we went back on r way but they wanted 2 stop @ a grocery store... my dad and i were being mean 2 eachother tho in the car cuz we were playin woody, PT cruiser, and slug bug... and we hit really really hard... so i smacked him really hard cuz there were 3 PT cruisers in the car dealer... so he reached over the seat and smacked my leg so hard and goes "u cant count the ones in the car dealer lots"... yah so that hurt... @ the grocery store we went in 4 like 2 things but came out with around 25... and it smelt good in the grocery store... like funnel cakes... yummy
then we drove back 2 the campground
all the kiddies but me wanted 2 swim so my dad and i went up 2 the pool n watched them... on the walk ther i saw chlc... she was jumping up and down like some freak... lol... so i talked 2 her 4 awhile and my sister told us that it is possible 2 c out of ur arm if u try... lolol... then she left and dad and i went back 2 watching them swim... it was fun... then sue came up and we 4got it was church so we had 2 tell every1 2 b quiet lol... so my dad and i went 4 a walk down 2 the lake 2 c if we could c the fire works from there maybe... but we didnt kno... so we just timed ourselves on the way back... it took 13 minutes... yay 4 us... we rock... lolol
when we got back i hung out @ the park again and found out that the DJ was coming... soo i went back and begged my dad 2 let me go and he said that it was ok and that i could go... so i did... i gave my brothers money and they tried 2 get me a glowing mouth guard... and they played in the arcade... well we did the ckicken dance and the hokey pokey which is where i met nathan and cody... i made them come and do it with us... cuz they were those lame ppl that stand on the side and watch every1 else dance... soo they did... i got bored so i left 4 awhile and watched the lil kids dance... thats when i met david, jake, ross, n keith... they r such cuties... so the 4 of them and i went and sat on the merry go round... that was fun... then keith asked me 4 my cell # and i gave it 2 him so he called it and i wonder if my mom answered it... cuz i didnt bring my cell with me... lol... that'd b funny... so a lil while l8r his dad called and i talked 2 his dad... it was pretty hilarious... then nicole came and i hung out with her... and i gave jake a dollar... so then they all wanted money and im like uhh no... lol... it was funny... so then i pretty much ditched them and me n nicole went and danced... it was fun... but we got tired... so we watched lukas, cody, and nathan play ghose in the grave yard... yah well they got sick of that too so i was attempting 2 walk up the teeter totter and i fell off it and now i have a pretty bruise on my arm... lol... then dad said that we had 2 b back @ 10:30 so we left
when we got back i was really tired so i put my pj's on and talked 2 dad and sue 4 a lil bit... then went 2 bed
Sunday :::
got up but breakfast wasnt ready yet so i went down 2 the bathroom n got ready 4 the day
when i went back the food was ready so i sat down and ate it
after breakfast i went back down 2 the bathrooms and brushed my teeth
chlc was @ the campsite when i got back... then my dad tried 2 get her 2 eat some breakfast but she didnt want any
so i grabbed my skittles n $10 and we walked down 2 the game room
there we saw keith, ross, david, and jake playin pool... but we bought stickers... ill scan em later... they're cool... then we went and sat on the benches and chatted till we went in the store 2 look 4 the suckers with lips on them... well they didnt have any... so it was sad... so we bought big red gum so that we could lick the rappers and stick them 2 r heads... which doesnt burn by the way... but still we sat on the bench and tried... then we went 2 c how warm the pool water was... so it was really cold so i just stuck my feet in... well guess who was in the pool... jake, david, keith, and ross... so they kept jumping in rite next 2 us... and we got allll wet... so we left and got ice cream from the store... so just as we were finishing ours, angela saw it and wanted some... she didnt have any money so me n chlc took all the change outta r pockets and somehow miracuously came up with $1.26... and she got her ice cream... but by the time she picked what she wanted we had so jog back 2 the campsite so we wouldnt b late
when we got there we decided that we wanted 2 go up 2 the go cart track... so we got in the car and left...
we tried goin 2 the closer 1 but it was lame sooo we kept going
we got 2 the place and it was awesome... it was really windy tho... so we got in line and bought tickets and went on the go kart track... i finished first... after that we went on the awesome mini golf coruse... i was with sue angie and april... i was doing really really good until like the 8th hole thru the 12th soo it pulled my score down by alot... oh well... it was still fun... when we all finished we counted up the averages and i got 3rd place outta 8... so its ok i guess... then i wanted 2 try the batting cages so i did the softball one but it was slow pitch (guys) insteada fast pitch (girls) so it was a lot harder... i think i hit like 8 outta 15... not bad
about 20 minutes in2 the drive... sue got really hungry so we stopped @ this lil hick town diner... it was sad... but they had really good pizza... and thats what we got... of course when ur eatin out with 8 ppl @least 1 of em is gonna spill something... and it was angie... lol... she spilt her hole soda... then i had 2 go 2 the bathroom really bad, but it was outside so i didnt wanna go... but i went neway... and it said u had 2 pay 5 cents... so the blonde i am went all the way back and asked for 5 cents... lol... wow... the waitresses shirts were really cool tho... on the back it said... "No Shirts, No Ties, No Rednecks"... lol
we finally got home... and we went up 2 the pool... and yes, this time i went all the way in... it was really cold... cody and nathan were in there too... and we were playin major keep away... until sum1 broke the sponge football so we had 2 use the real one... lol... nathan loves it when u hold his arms behing his back... and he has the most disgusting finger nail... it out does my window by far
after swimming i went back and got dressed... then i went back up 2 the park and nicoles brother wanted a friend so i was his friend and he just sat in his dads truck listening 2 music... it was sad... hes a bad friend... lol... then i got bored so i went back and hung out with my fellaz from manitowoc... but then i had 2 go back 4 dinner
dinner was good... but we 8 late @ like 8:00... so it was dark by the time we were done
i went and got chlc and we wanted 2 play fball so we got a hole bunch of guyz and went up 2 the field... that was a blast... but it was dark out and all u could c was a dark figure flying past ur head... lol... nathan is sooo fast... like OMG fast... then it got really dark and we had 2 go back... so chlc was getting the bball and threw it over by me... but it didnt land my me... it hit me right in the head... and i swear i had a minor concussion or somehting... lol... it hurted
when we got back we all picked a soda and threw it in the cooler... and then hopped in the van... we went 4 a long ride 2 where the fireworks were... but we didnt kno where we were going so we just kept driving till we found a clearing... but on the way there there was this huge patch of grass on fire right by a forest and the side of the highway... so my daddy called 9-1-1- and reported it... it was really weird
we found a pefect clearing and got out... but it was in the middle of nowhere... so the lil'er kids were freakin out that the hillbillys from the movie "wrong turn"were coming 2 get us... it was humoring... but they didnt... obviously... so we just stood there 4 an hour watching all the fireworks go all around the lake... it was sooo cool... i love fireworks
@ the end we all got back in the car and i freaked all the kiddiez out cuz i told em i saw something so they started screaming and it was soo funny... we stopped where the fire department put out that fire... and we saw the big burn spot... and we kept driving... about 2 miles later... there was the fire department lol... it was funny
we got back and pretty much got right in2 bed cuz every1 was soooooo tired
Monday :::
well it rained sunday night in2 monday morning... not pretty... it was so loud... and it was flashing lightening, pouring rain, and thundering... so nobody got much sleep @ all
i got up and walked down 2 the bathroom and got dressed
then we packed up and pretty much left... i gave nathan a hug... and jake asked me 4 a dollar... but we left
every1 was hungry and it was about 10:30 so we stopped @ a country kitchen on the side of the hi way... it took the waitress like 15 minutes 2 get r drinks and about another hour and a half 2 get r food... but it was good... i got a belgian waffle with strawberries and whipped cream with a side of hash browsns... it was so good... but it was really cold in that building... when ppl would come in the resturant we would make fun of em and decide which one of us would look like them when we grew up... it was fun
after breakfast we left and drove home... i was tired but i didnt fall asleep in the car... i never do
when we got home dad said good bye and gave us hugs and kisses... and told us he would c us next week and left
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that was my totally and completely TUBULAR weekend
xoxoxox !<>!
Friday :::
dad picked us up and we met sue @ woodmans... we readjusted all the luggage and stuff... then we bought ice 2 keep the sodas and food cold
every1 was hungry so b4 we even left town we went 2 arby's 4 a late lunch... i got a beef n chedder w/ curly fries and wild cherry pepsi... yummy
when we were all fat and happy we continued on the way up 2 sturgeon bay... it rocked... every1 was pumped
finally we got there and unpacked everything... set up the tents... and started dinner... dad and sue made dinner actually while me n the rest of the kidz went 4 a walk down by the lake... @ first we went down the wrong way and got really lost but then we got back on track... we were gone 4 about n hour b4 we got there... the boys gave up and told me that i didnt kno where i was going when i really did... losers... so it was just me n the chicas... so we finally got there and we sat on the pier... welll it was really really windy and it made u tipsy cuz it was shaking... they didnt like that very much so we just sat on the benches and rested r legs... then we left... on the way back we picked up the boys who were skipping rox and brought them back with us
we got back and then had dinner... it was getting colder tho so i put on a pair of pants and a jacket and went up 2 the park... i sat on a swing till i saw nicole... i hung out with her 4 awhile and then we went back 2 the campsite... we pretty much just chilled by the fire... had some smores and went 2 bed
Saturday :::
got up and was still really tired... im not used 2 sleepin on the floor... but it wasnt as bad as i thought... i still had awhile till dad was done with breakfast so i went down 2 the showers and got right in... there was no1 there... thats a huge suprise... well actually not... cuz when i got in i found out that there was no more hot water... i swear that was the coldest shower ive ever taken EVER!! it sucked... but hey i lived
then i got out and got dressed and all pretttied up n went back 2 the campsite
dad was just done with my breakfast so i sat down n ate it... it was delicious as usual... my dad is such a good cook...
me n the boyz went up 2 the bball courts 4 awhile till they had 2 go take showers... it was great... we had a contest 2 c who could get the most free throws in a row... of course... i won... lolol jk... yah i got 8 in a row... then we had 2 go...
i sat around while the boys took showers and just waited 4 them 2 come back... when they came backevery1 sat around the fire and decided what we wanted 2 do
we decided that we wanted 2 go check out the town and Door Counry... so thats what we did... we went up 2 fish creek and looked where they were having the fire works incase we wanted 2 go up there later...
we didnt have lunch cuz we went 2 this cherry orchard where they had all these free samples so we just ate a bunch of those... lol... then we bought some stuff and left
well my bro wanted 2 have some ice cream so we went 2 this really really weird ice cream place where u can c em milk the cows and then play games... yah well 4 every1 that goes 2 my school... they had 1 of those brett favre things there... and u kno how it scares me... well this one ran in2 me... actually i think i ran in2 it... but still... it was scary... i measured me and i havent grownded :'-(... im sooo short... oh well i guess... i need a tall bf... lol... anway after i nocked brett over... i got ice cream... chocolate ice cream... it was the best chocolate ice cream ever.. its 2 die 4... yummy... then i ate it and we left
sooo we were drivin home but the van needed gas and around the hi way it was $2.56 or something... so they're like screw that... lets go in2 town... so thats what they did... and they stopped @ the gas station and were filling the van with gas... sue was washing the windows but it was very entertaining because she is so short and she could barely reach 1/2 way across the windshield... lol... then when she cleaned my brothers window he put his butt right 2 it... but the moron he is... didnt notice that the windows were tinted
when the gas tank was full we went back on r way but they wanted 2 stop @ a grocery store... my dad and i were being mean 2 eachother tho in the car cuz we were playin woody, PT cruiser, and slug bug... and we hit really really hard... so i smacked him really hard cuz there were 3 PT cruisers in the car dealer... so he reached over the seat and smacked my leg so hard and goes "u cant count the ones in the car dealer lots"... yah so that hurt... @ the grocery store we went in 4 like 2 things but came out with around 25... and it smelt good in the grocery store... like funnel cakes... yummy
then we drove back 2 the campground
all the kiddies but me wanted 2 swim so my dad and i went up 2 the pool n watched them... on the walk ther i saw chlc... she was jumping up and down like some freak... lol... so i talked 2 her 4 awhile and my sister told us that it is possible 2 c out of ur arm if u try... lolol... then she left and dad and i went back 2 watching them swim... it was fun... then sue came up and we 4got it was church so we had 2 tell every1 2 b quiet lol... so my dad and i went 4 a walk down 2 the lake 2 c if we could c the fire works from there maybe... but we didnt kno... so we just timed ourselves on the way back... it took 13 minutes... yay 4 us... we rock... lolol
when we got back i hung out @ the park again and found out that the DJ was coming... soo i went back and begged my dad 2 let me go and he said that it was ok and that i could go... so i did... i gave my brothers money and they tried 2 get me a glowing mouth guard... and they played in the arcade... well we did the ckicken dance and the hokey pokey which is where i met nathan and cody... i made them come and do it with us... cuz they were those lame ppl that stand on the side and watch every1 else dance... soo they did... i got bored so i left 4 awhile and watched the lil kids dance... thats when i met david, jake, ross, n keith... they r such cuties... so the 4 of them and i went and sat on the merry go round... that was fun... then keith asked me 4 my cell # and i gave it 2 him so he called it and i wonder if my mom answered it... cuz i didnt bring my cell with me... lol... that'd b funny... so a lil while l8r his dad called and i talked 2 his dad... it was pretty hilarious... then nicole came and i hung out with her... and i gave jake a dollar... so then they all wanted money and im like uhh no... lol... it was funny... so then i pretty much ditched them and me n nicole went and danced... it was fun... but we got tired... so we watched lukas, cody, and nathan play ghose in the grave yard... yah well they got sick of that too so i was attempting 2 walk up the teeter totter and i fell off it and now i have a pretty bruise on my arm... lol... then dad said that we had 2 b back @ 10:30 so we left
when we got back i was really tired so i put my pj's on and talked 2 dad and sue 4 a lil bit... then went 2 bed
Sunday :::
got up but breakfast wasnt ready yet so i went down 2 the bathroom n got ready 4 the day
when i went back the food was ready so i sat down and ate it
after breakfast i went back down 2 the bathrooms and brushed my teeth
chlc was @ the campsite when i got back... then my dad tried 2 get her 2 eat some breakfast but she didnt want any
so i grabbed my skittles n $10 and we walked down 2 the game room
there we saw keith, ross, david, and jake playin pool... but we bought stickers... ill scan em later... they're cool... then we went and sat on the benches and chatted till we went in the store 2 look 4 the suckers with lips on them... well they didnt have any... so it was sad... so we bought big red gum so that we could lick the rappers and stick them 2 r heads... which doesnt burn by the way... but still we sat on the bench and tried... then we went 2 c how warm the pool water was... so it was really cold so i just stuck my feet in... well guess who was in the pool... jake, david, keith, and ross... so they kept jumping in rite next 2 us... and we got allll wet... so we left and got ice cream from the store... so just as we were finishing ours, angela saw it and wanted some... she didnt have any money so me n chlc took all the change outta r pockets and somehow miracuously came up with $1.26... and she got her ice cream... but by the time she picked what she wanted we had so jog back 2 the campsite so we wouldnt b late
when we got there we decided that we wanted 2 go up 2 the go cart track... so we got in the car and left...
we tried goin 2 the closer 1 but it was lame sooo we kept going
we got 2 the place and it was awesome... it was really windy tho... so we got in line and bought tickets and went on the go kart track... i finished first... after that we went on the awesome mini golf coruse... i was with sue angie and april... i was doing really really good until like the 8th hole thru the 12th soo it pulled my score down by alot... oh well... it was still fun... when we all finished we counted up the averages and i got 3rd place outta 8... so its ok i guess... then i wanted 2 try the batting cages so i did the softball one but it was slow pitch (guys) insteada fast pitch (girls) so it was a lot harder... i think i hit like 8 outta 15... not bad
about 20 minutes in2 the drive... sue got really hungry so we stopped @ this lil hick town diner... it was sad... but they had really good pizza... and thats what we got... of course when ur eatin out with 8 ppl @least 1 of em is gonna spill something... and it was angie... lol... she spilt her hole soda... then i had 2 go 2 the bathroom really bad, but it was outside so i didnt wanna go... but i went neway... and it said u had 2 pay 5 cents... so the blonde i am went all the way back and asked for 5 cents... lol... wow... the waitresses shirts were really cool tho... on the back it said... "No Shirts, No Ties, No Rednecks"... lol
we finally got home... and we went up 2 the pool... and yes, this time i went all the way in... it was really cold... cody and nathan were in there too... and we were playin major keep away... until sum1 broke the sponge football so we had 2 use the real one... lol... nathan loves it when u hold his arms behing his back... and he has the most disgusting finger nail... it out does my window by far
after swimming i went back and got dressed... then i went back up 2 the park and nicoles brother wanted a friend so i was his friend and he just sat in his dads truck listening 2 music... it was sad... hes a bad friend... lol... then i got bored so i went back and hung out with my fellaz from manitowoc... but then i had 2 go back 4 dinner
dinner was good... but we 8 late @ like 8:00... so it was dark by the time we were done
i went and got chlc and we wanted 2 play fball so we got a hole bunch of guyz and went up 2 the field... that was a blast... but it was dark out and all u could c was a dark figure flying past ur head... lol... nathan is sooo fast... like OMG fast... then it got really dark and we had 2 go back... so chlc was getting the bball and threw it over by me... but it didnt land my me... it hit me right in the head... and i swear i had a minor concussion or somehting... lol... it hurted
when we got back we all picked a soda and threw it in the cooler... and then hopped in the van... we went 4 a long ride 2 where the fireworks were... but we didnt kno where we were going so we just kept driving till we found a clearing... but on the way there there was this huge patch of grass on fire right by a forest and the side of the highway... so my daddy called 9-1-1- and reported it... it was really weird
we found a pefect clearing and got out... but it was in the middle of nowhere... so the lil'er kids were freakin out that the hillbillys from the movie "wrong turn"were coming 2 get us... it was humoring... but they didnt... obviously... so we just stood there 4 an hour watching all the fireworks go all around the lake... it was sooo cool... i love fireworks
@ the end we all got back in the car and i freaked all the kiddiez out cuz i told em i saw something so they started screaming and it was soo funny... we stopped where the fire department put out that fire... and we saw the big burn spot... and we kept driving... about 2 miles later... there was the fire department lol... it was funny
we got back and pretty much got right in2 bed cuz every1 was soooooo tired
Monday :::
well it rained sunday night in2 monday morning... not pretty... it was so loud... and it was flashing lightening, pouring rain, and thundering... so nobody got much sleep @ all
i got up and walked down 2 the bathroom and got dressed
then we packed up and pretty much left... i gave nathan a hug... and jake asked me 4 a dollar... but we left
every1 was hungry and it was about 10:30 so we stopped @ a country kitchen on the side of the hi way... it took the waitress like 15 minutes 2 get r drinks and about another hour and a half 2 get r food... but it was good... i got a belgian waffle with strawberries and whipped cream with a side of hash browsns... it was so good... but it was really cold in that building... when ppl would come in the resturant we would make fun of em and decide which one of us would look like them when we grew up... it was fun
after breakfast we left and drove home... i was tired but i didnt fall asleep in the car... i never do
when we got home dad said good bye and gave us hugs and kisses... and told us he would c us next week and left
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that was my totally and completely TUBULAR weekend
xoxoxox !<>!
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